From Magnimar to Lodell
On snowy plains, horses travel 20 miles/day if the snow is less than 3 feet deep, 10 miles/day if deeper. A walking dwarf travels 8 miles per day, on snowshoes 12 miles/day, and skis 16 miles/day. If the party fails a DC 10 survival check in fog or blizzard they become lost.
Wandering Monsters
Wolf's Ear
Snowshoes cost 5gp, weigh 4 pounds, add +8 to acrobatics checks, and halve the penalty for walking in snow. Skis and poles cost 15gp, weigh 6 pounds, add +8 to most acrobatics checks, subtract -4 from CMD and CMD vs trip, bull rush, and overrun, and allow normal movement speed in snow (half speed up gentle slopes, standard charge or run down gentle slopes, double run or charge down steep slopes (with Acrobatics:gentle slopes DC 12, steep slopes DC 15)).
Hook: dragon lair without the dragon. (Formerly named Shaeltoreth the Loud) Treasure!
Followup hook: Ogres on their way, don't know where exactly, but looking. maybe not as a threat, but just part of backstory - they killed the dragon , which had been straying out of its lair more and more recently (because of swarm).
Have background of werdly moaning mountain canyon with waterfall.
Location: Howlmist Canyon, North fork of Tumble Creek. 6 miles of hilly road, 6 miles of trackless hills, 9 miles of trackless mountains.
- Snowy, hilly road (30' move): .75 mph on foot, 1.5 mph on snowshoes, 2mph on skis
- Snowy, hilly road (20' move): .5 mph on foot, 1 mph on snowshoes, 1.5 mph on skis
- Snowy trackless hills/mtns. (30' move): .33 mph on foot, .75 mph on snowshoes, 1.5 mph on skis(not in mtns.)
- Snowy trackless hills/mtns. (20' move): .25 mph on foot, .5 mph on snowshoes, 1 mph on skis(not in mtns.)
Encounter Areas
Base of Waterfall - CR 5
Outer Lower Cavern - CR 3
Inner Lower Cavern
Upper Ice Cavern - CR 6
Upper Fungus Cavern - CR 5
Choker Lair - CR 7
Finale - CR 7