Wandering monsters will be encountered 1 time in 12, checked daily. A d6 roll establishes the time of day:1=dawn, 2=morning, 3=afternoon, 4=dusk, 5=afterdusk, 6=foredawn.
- Near Sandpoint: 8 Mosswood goblins, carring a legless giant spider corpse on the end of their longspears, singing insanely. Diplomacy is probably useless (DC 28), but they can certainly be intimidated (DC 11). If diplomacy is somehow successful, they reveal they are having a parade to frighten away 'bad luck demons'. "Now we are the spider feet/stuck in webs you can't retreat/guts and eyeballs we will eat/goblins in the night"
- Near Galduria: Air elemental and two ice mephits cavorting in the storm. DC 21 to notice. Initially indifferent.
- Near Wolf's Ear: An unfriendlywerebear out hunting.
- Near Ravensmoor: A herd of six cranky aurochs.
- Near Lodell: A winter wolf.