Main / TheViperwallAssault
The Viperwall Assault
The Army of Varisia
- Magnimar: 577 militia led by Hall Verhalft (lawful neutral), a male human about six feet tall with long black hair that is tied back in a leather thong at the base of his neck. He wears a mithril breastplate and carries two axes. His lieutenant is Thora, who looks like she could be his sister. She is also tall with black hair. Her hair is short. She wears chainmail and carries a maul.
- Migda's Crows: 185 mercenaries led by "Mother" Migda, who is a satisfied looking Ulfen woman with shiny golden hair. She is of average height and wears scale mail. She carries a greatsword that she calls "Purvien". Her lieutenant is a female gnome named Hohei Potsnip, who has a riding dog named Teastoa. Hohei has strawberry blonde hair and a fairly large nose.
- Twilight University: 9 mages. They are led by Vermund, a half orc wizard, and Violet, a halfling wizard. Vermund is a little shy around strangers, but Violet is all business. They have also provided boats. The mages have the Message spell, plus some buff, some communication, some offensive, and some scrying.
- Twilight University guard from Wolf's Ear: 23 rangers, led by Takor, a short, slim male human with gray-green eyes and really badly cut light brown hair. When they are just hanging around, he hums, and a tall, darkish elf in his group will juggle almost anything but doesn't talk to anyone. They call him "Stone".
- Nybor Whistlers: 72 donkey-mounted gnomes with crossbows, supported by 8 gnomish bards. They are led by Bittrine Urdmoll, whose lieutenant is a male gnomish bard named Jebeddo Herringswitt. Bittrine is tall for a gnome and has a goatee. Jebeddo seems to be wearing a different hat every time you see him.
- Sunken Embers: The Sunken Embers adventuring party out of Wartle is led by the halfling swamp witch Brya Dawsoni. (Ashalmar DwaRgr, Veddgezz GnoOra, 20 spearmen, 20 slingers)
The Army of Viperwall