Main / Viperwall-TheThingInTheWater

The Thing in the Water

Up - Varisian Wanderings

Monster in the water just off the beach

Water Monster: Fey 9-Headed Hydra (Summoned from the oceans of the First World, CR 9)

Poison Mist

You get to the small island about a quarter mile from the Viperwall gates, and it is much as you left it, except that the roughly carved snake heads have all been finished and cover the island. The poison mist seems to extend about a quarter mile out from the island.

The large carved heads glow eerily. (Detect magic pings on three of the heads. The rest have been smeared with phosphorescent ooze. Those three heads are magical "traps". A disable device check DC 29 on each will get rid of the mist.)

Page last modified on October 22, 2013, at 06:24 PM