Main / Viperwall-TunnelPreparations

Interrupting Tunnel Preparations

Up - Varisian Wanderings

By water

If the party chooses to go in by water, then they will encounter the poisonous mists. Mist Info

If they stray near the beach, the hydra will probably play with them.

By land

The party has been making their way through the 75 miles of rocky wilderness for about three days. The area is very geologically active, with geysers, hot springs, and occasional splits in the surface above a fault line. The rangers see signs that gnomes have been around. On the afternoon of the second day, the party should make a perception check (DC 15). Those that make the check hear a rumbling sound, like thunder in the distance. Those that beat a DC 20 smell sulphur, and those who beat a DC 25 can feel a bit more moisture in the air. Ahead, unless they avoid the area, they find a geyser... and elementals!

The Encounter At The Geyser

The steam mephits appear to be playing in the water, while the other watch.

Immune: Fire Weaknesses: Vulnerability to cold Breath Weapon: A cone of fire that deals 1d8 fire damage. Spell-Like Abilities: pyrotechnics 1/day

Fast Healing: Works only in boiling water or steam. Immune: Fire Weaknesses: Vulnerability to cold Breath weapon: A cone of steam that deals 1d4 fire damage. The scalding water also causes living creatures to be sickened for 3 rounds. A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the sickened effect. Boiling Rain (Su): Once per day a steam mephit can create a rainstorm of boiling water in a 20-foot-square area. Living creatures within the area take 2d6 points of fire damage (Fortitude DC 14 half; caster level 6th). This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell. Spell-Like Abilities: blur 1/hour

Finding The Tunnel

Eventually, the party arrives in the area of Viperwall. They find a path, about ten feet wide, through the rocky wilderness that seems to be leading up to the cliff edge. Takor wants to check out a couple of other things before he heads that direction. He circles around to the northeast of Viperwall, through rock slides and scrub. (Knowledge Nature or maybe Engineering DC 20: The rock slides and boulders are more dense near the road, which seems a bit odd. DC 25: A footprint, a bit of broken wood, and what looks like a chisel mark indicate to you that these obstacles were moved here on purpose.) From the top of a rocky outcropping, Ember Lake is just visible through the short, stunted trees. Takor takes out his map and is comparing landmarks, when suddenly he stiffens. (Everyone makes perception checks. DC 25 to notice a vibration in the rock. DC 30 to notice the subtle shaking of the nearby bushes in time with the vibration.) If he makes the check, Takor looks at the party and mouths the word "tunnels". Then he says in kind of a dispirited tone, "Well, I don't see anything. Let's scout around a little more and then head back."

Meanwhile, he gestures to the members of the party to search around for signs of tunnel entrances. But whispers to whoever is closest that they shouldn't wander off. Meet back here in 10 minutes or so.

Once they have found a tunnel entrance, the party should chose their marching order. Should the younger ranger stay behind to guard the entrance? They will need to descend through a hole that is about 18 inches by three feet. They can't see the bottom. Inside, it is dark, and the floor is about fifteen feet down. The tunnel is about five feet wide here. It appears to be a lava tube. They should make another perception check once inside. They have to listen for a minute or two but they hear some clicks and movement coming from the west. Do they take out light sources? This tunnel curves, runs about twenty-five feet, and then joins a larger tunnel. Ahead there is dim light and voices.

The tunnel opens out into a wide cavern, where several tunnels seem to join. The tunnel the party is in is about 5 feet above the level of the floor. Those near the opening can make a DC 22 knowledge stonemasonry check to see that the opening has been widened and a very natural looking undulating ramp has been carved into the floor to make a way down. There are some humans working clearing rubble and chipping away at stone across from the party. A DC 20 perception check (or 15 if they have noticed the stone work here) tells them that the tunnel opposite them is also being widened.

The humans continue working, as a shadow seems to move into the room. A group of humans flanked by small dark figures and led by a tall dark figure. The whole group is shrowded in shadow. One human looks up and waves to the group, then goes back to work. Is the party trying to hide? Make perception checks for the dark creepers and dark stalker. There is a 5% chance (1-5 on percentile dice) that one of them has detect magic turned on.

If the party is undetected, the group continues on. If not, the dark stalker casts deeper darkness and the creepers attack. The humans all start to hurry out through the south tunnel.


5 little guys, 1 big guy

If they can capture a human, they can dispell the effects and find out about Viperwall.

Page last modified on October 07, 2013, at 04:16 PM