A settlement in the Scalewood of grim tenements, partially within the mouth of a huge cave, ruled over by a Dao overseer and her grey render guardian. Very little store of food is kept within the village, to keep them under control. Food is basically gone by the time the next weekly shipment arrives from Callixylon. All half-orcs have an iron collar permanently bent around their necks. Former Flan or Ur-Flan settlement, most buildings still aged adobe.
Population: approx. 250
Map: https://dysonlogos.blog/2014/10/10/friday-map-new-orlep/
- Tenements - For the miners.
- Mansion - For the overseer, with watchtower for her pet.
- Jail - For confining hostages or the least-cooperative
- Graveyard - For obvious reasons. Located on a pleasant breezy hill on the edge of town.
- half-orcs (approx. 100 fighting shape, another 100 willing to do their best if encouraged, but not well-qualified)
- fighting-shape could wear light or hide armor, not shields, wield mauls, warpicks, simple weapons. Str 14 Con 12
- willing could wield warpicks or clubs. Str 12 Con 10
- claw of Luthic - leader of half-orcs
- grey render
- dao overseer
- 12 gargoyle guards
- 3 slithering trackers (for escaped slaves)