RedHandDoomPlayers / DulmirDeeporeOfLoadstoneCrack

Old version of the wishlist, kept around for comparison, copy&paste, and other such uses

OK, first up, the current load out so that we can see what would be replaced by items below

  • Head: Headband of Intellect +2
  • Face: In combat, Crystal Mask of Languages (to talk to my summons)
    • Out of combat, the Artificer's Monocle to identify objects when needed
  • Neck: Chronocharms - Full set (allows casting summons %3c= level 3 as a standard action, some extra movement, +5 AC vs a ranged attack, once per day each)
  • Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +1
  • Gloves: Arcanist's Gloves (they don't do much for me at this point)
  • Rings: Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Sustenance
  • Main Hand: Free for casting
  • Off Hand: Crossbow (used with main hand for firing)

Scrolls that'd be useful if going after this Ghost Lord:

  • Ectoplasmic Feedback (SC, 2nd level)
  • Ghost Touch Armor (SC, 2nd level)
  • Force Ward (SC, 4th level)

Things that are particularly cool, in my opinion, so I'm calling them out here from the tables below:

Wand Bracelet (M147)ArmsLike the Gloves of Storing, for 4 items12,000 gp
Gloves of Fortunate Striking (M105)HandsReroll 1 attack 1/day2,000 gpNice to be able to reroll my touch attacks
Ring of SustenanceRingNo need to eat, only needs 2 hrs sleep2,500 gpCan study all night to increase spells known
Runestaffs (M176-182)Off HandAllow additional versatility, trading spells out8K-75K (mostly ~20K-30K) 
Wand of {combat spell}Off HandMagic Missile, Lesser Orb of ... with a decent CL, or higher level evocations2000 - 11,250 gpThen I could get rid of the crossbow. I've got one now, but it's only got 12 charges in it.
Headband of Intellect +4Head+4 Int16,000 gpMainly nice before level 11 for bonus 6th level spell
Pearls of PowerNo slotTo regain 3rd, 4th, or 5th level spells9K/16K/25K gpRegaining spells is useful
Belt of Battle (M73)WaistAn additional action or two a day12,000 gpAlways handy
War Wizard Cloak (M147)ShouldersFeather fall + 1/day: dim door, mage armor, protection from arrows, and sending16,000 gpSome nice effects in there


Wand Bracelet (M147)Like the Gloves of Storing, for 4 items12,000 gp

Body (in place of armor):

Robe of Mysterious Conjuration (M130)Can trade any spell for an equivalent Summon Monster10,000 gpFrees me up to memorize different spells
Shroud of Scales (M136)DR 5/magic, immune to dragonfear24,000 gpDR is always nice


Boots of Swift Passage (M78)Teleport 20' 5/day as Move action5,000 gpMobility is nice
Winged BootsFly 3/day16,000 gpMobility is nice, but these are probably better for our melee types


Gloves of Fortunate Striking (M105)Reroll 1 attack 1/day2,000 gpNice to be able to reroll my touch attacks
Gloves of StoringHide/retrieve a small item as a free action.10,000 gpNice for wands, to let me keep them more equipped.
Casting Glove (M84)As Gloves of Storing, but can activate a magic item while it's stored. Probably not that much more useful since I need an open hand for spellcasting anyway.20,000 gp 

Head - Most of the other head items aren't as useful as my current Headband of Intellect. The only exception would be a better Headband of Intellect:

Headband of Intellect +4+4 Intelligence16,000 gpGrants bonus spells and helps my skills

Rings: (if get more than 1, then may need a Hand of Glory, see below)

of SustenanceNo need to eat, only needs 2 hrs sleep2,500 gpCan study all night to increase spells known
of Silent Spells (M127)Silence effect + can cast in silent area2,000 gp 
of Spell Battle (M127)Aware of nearby spellcasting, Can counterspell any spell 1/day12,000 gp 
of Greater Counterspells (M124)Easier counterspell 1/day + auto counter 1 spell16,000 gp 
of Spell Storing, LesserStore up to 3 levels of spells18,000 gpNice to store less commonly needed, but handy spells


War Wizard Cloak (M147)Feather fall + 1/day: dim door, mage armor, protection from arrows, and sending16,000 gpSome nice effects in there
Cape of the MountebankDimension door 1/day10,080 gpStrictly worse than War Wizard Cloak, but cheaper
Mantle of Second ChancesReroll 1 die roll, 1/day12,000 gp 
Cloak of Displacement, MinorPermanent 20%25 miss chance24,000 gp 


Amulet of Natural Armor +1/+2/+3/+4Raising my AC from 192K/8K/18K/32K gp 
Empowered Spellshard (fireball or lesser orb of elec) (M96)+50%25 to damage 3/day6,000 gp 
Hand of GloryExtra ring slot + daylight, see invisibility 1/day8,000 gpMost useful if I get two more rings, but see invis can be handy


Vest of Resistance +n+n to saves1K/4K/8K gpNice if replacing Cloak of Resistance
Bolt ShirtTeleport 60' 1/day5,000 gpGet into or away from the action
Shirt of ... (M134)DR 3/various~12,000 gpDR is nice


Belt of Battle (M73)An additional action or two a day12,000 gpAlways handy


Bag of Tricks (rust or tan)Summon more animals3K or 6.3K gpIt's a rhinocerous!
Elemental GemsSummons Large elementals (one use)2,250 gp 
Metamagic Rod of Sculpting (M166)Can reshape areas of effect11,000 gp 
Pearls of PowerTo regain 3rd, 4th, or 5th level spells9K/16K/25K gpRegaining spells is useful

Scrolls - A few for utility purposes that would be useful:

  • 2nd level
    • Gust of Wind
  • 3rd level
    • Protection from Energy
    • Wind Wall
    • Gaseous Form
    • Mage Armor, Mass and/or Mage Armor, Greater (SC, 136)
    • Diamondsteel (SC,83)
  • 4th level
    • Resilient Sphere
    • Stone Shape (4th level)
    • Remove Curse
    • Minor Creation

Scrolls/Stuff in Spellbooks that'd be nice to learn spells from:

First LevelSecond LevelThird LevelFourth LevelFifth Level
Mage Hand, Greater (SC)See InvisibilityPhantom SteedPolymorphBaleful Polymorph
ShieldFog CloudWind WallSolid FogCloudkill
Floating DiskMirror ImageSlowScryCone of Cold
Stand (SC)Protection from ArrowsDimension Step (PHB2)Resilient SphereWall of Force
MountResist EnergyLightning BoltStoneskinCall Zelekhut (SC)
 Acid ArrowReverse ArrowsLesser Globe of InvulnerabilityVitriolic Sphere (SC)
 Gust of WindUnluck (SC)Detect ScryingVulnerability (SC)
  Diamondsteel (SC)Wall of FireSpell Matrix, Lesser (SC)
  Spell Vulnerability (SC)Wingbind (SC) 
  Dragonskin (SC)  
  Rainbow Blast (SC)  

Finally, potions:

  • Remove Blindness - 750 gp
  • Remove Curse - 750 gp
  • Remove Disease - 750 gp
  • Neutralize Poison - 750 gp
  • Lesser Restoration - 300 gp
  • Blur (300 gp) or Displacement (750 gp)
  • Lesser Restoration - 300 gp
  • Barkskin +X
Page last modified on July 30, 2016, at 09:43 PM