ToEEPlayers / ToEE-Session27

100 platinum reward from gnomes. And then we leave Verbobonc. We buy a couple of horses and a stylish gypsy wagon to get back.

We leave the wagon in Hommlet, meet up with our hirelings in Hommlet who were guided by Spit. Spit sticks around to "commune with the druids" and hang out at the newly completed house. We are met by an elven messenger who presents us with silver goblets that can purify water and counter poison. This is as a reward for saving the elven royalty earlier.

We spend a few days in Hommlet while Moth finishes enchanting his bow. It flickers with electricity. Then we head to Nulb. We get wary looks as we head through Nulb. Word has gotten around that we dealt with the pirates. It seems a bit more empty. Otis says the local business people are trying to drum up a tourism business. Something about pirates. Theldin offers to bring skeletons back from the Temple.

We head back to the Temple. It's gotten cold over the past couple weeks. Skewer Tees has cleaned up the campsite, a fire is going. After a lunch we head into the Temple. The bandits have started hauling in more wood and hunting, and clearing and lighting paths. We head past them and head down to level 3 in the SW corner as that's the shortest path. We do tell the bandit guard that the second floor is cleared - but there are still dangerous hallways.

Moth and Diren sneak down the stairs into a vague phosporecent glow. The floor is manured and covered with fungi. An armored woman calls out to us that she'll guide us through. We talk to her, not quite trusting her. She says she's last of an adventuring party, trapped down here. We ask a few questions and offer to guide her up to the brigands upstairs where she can find safety. On the way up the stairs, she "trips and falls", grabbing onto Theldin as he reaches to catch her.

He fells his Wisdom drain away, and stabs Diren with a shortsword. Moth spins and smacks her with a rod - withering her a bit. She stabs deeped into Diren, but fails to touch Theldin again or tear into Moth with her claws. Diren stabs her deeply in return, then backs away - making room for Elmo to charge in - striking her with the frost brand. After a bit more of an exchange, Elmo finishes her off. We search her and move on.

Moving on, we check the door - stairs down. We pass, and find a room of statues of monsters. Each has items of magical power. We take a long time to cautiously poke around the room and recover a vial of poison with prestidigitation. We decide to leave the rest for later and creep through. We stop as Pire wants to take a staff and start to debate again. Then we realize the lights have moved in and darkened - they're will-o-wisps and they're angry.

And man will-o-wisps do a fair amount of damage, and they're hard to hit. It's a dangerous combination. We finish it - and then start looking at the magic stuff. Much is identified and taken. A cloak, spear, and staff are not identified, but are taken. We move on.

To the north we find a side passage with a secret trapdoor down. We opt to pass on the trap door, knowing it's not finished yet.

A previous door is checked for traps and opened. It opens into a creepy triangular room decorated with a variety of eyes. As we stare in and spot a gong. Then a bugbear comes out from a side door. We immediately attack as he moves to the gong. Diren drops him with a thrown dagger.

We sneak in and position near the doors, ready for combat.

Page last modified on April 07, 2013, at 04:32 PM