Phandelver / Session8

Session 8

Next stop, Wyverntor. First, a short rest. Then, we leave and go to Wyverntor, which takes 3 hours. We find a cave with an orc standing guard.

We attack the orc and nearly kill him. He calls for help. 8 orcs and an ogre come out. We attack the ogre. He attacks Naivara. The leader misses. Fight,fight,fight.

Grapevine casts Shatter and kills 4 orcs. Daran kills orc 1. Grapevine revives Daran and kills orc 2. Daran kills orc 3. Helga kills the ogre with guiding bolt. Daran kills the leader.

We long rest.

We head to home. We came for the night and are attacked by hobgoblins! Daran kills one. Grapevine uses dissonant whispers to scare another. He moves out of combat with Helga, who kills him. Naivara uses magic missle against the remaining hobgoblin. Grapevine uses shatter. We steal their chainmail. They have a wanted poster for one party member on them.

Page last modified on November 19, 2023, at 08:38 AM