Phandelver / Session11

Session 11

We explore owlbear room. We find a chest with money, potion, and scroll. Scroll goes to Helga. We split cash.

We explore a large hall. There are goblins. We fight! Naivara kills the first, Daran kills the leader, and Grapevine kills everyone else with Shatter.

We go into another room and fight two goblins. We kill one, and the other one runs away. In another room, we intimidate them, and the goblins run away.

We kill 3 more goblins. That's it. We prepare to escort the dwarf to Phandolin.

On the road, we meet four hobgoblins with two wolves (with elf heads in bags). Fight! It is a harder fight. Naivara goes down. She comes back and kills the remaining bad guys with burning hands.

Grunden Rockseeker wants us to find Wave Echo cave and points to it on the map. Are his brothers there? There is an evil guy named Blackspider who orchestrated his capture.

We go to Wave Echo cave. We find one of Grunden's brothers, who was murdered. We go down into a pit using Featherfall. We choose the rightmost tunnel. Helga casts Light on Daran's crossbow. There are a bunch of skeletons here. A bunch of sturges attack. We kill them.

Page last modified on February 13, 2024, at 09:10 AM