Standard Edicts (back)
Standard edicts are the official pronouncements by your government about how you are running the kingdom that turn. For example, you may decide to have low or high taxes, to have more or fewer holidays, and how much effort to put into improving the kingdom's infrastructure. Edicts fall into four types: Holiday, Improvement, Promotion, and Taxation.
In the Edict phase of the kingdom turn, you may set the Holiday, Expansion, and Taxation edict categories to whatever level you want, as well as decide how much of your allowed improvement from the Improvement edict you'll use. For example, you may decide that this turn holidays are quarterly, expansion is aggressive, taxation is minimal, and you won't build any improvements.
Holiday Edicts
Holiday Edicts |
Frequency | Economy | Loyalty | Consumption |
None | -1 | -2 | +0 BP |
Yearly | +1 | +1 | +1 BP |
Seasonal | +2 | +2 | +2 BP |
Monthly | +3 | +4 | +4 BP |
Weekly | +4 | +8 | +6 BP |
Holidays are general celebrations or observances that take place across the kingdom. The BP expenditure includes lost revenue from citizens not working during the holidays, preparations and logistical arrangements that occur year-round, and the cost of the actual celebrations (these annual costs are averaged over the year and included in the listed Consumption modifier that you pay each turn).
The number of holidays per year is the number you promise to uphold and the number that the common folk expect to enjoy over the next months. The Economy, Loyalty and Consumption modifiers change as soon as you change the number of holidays per year. The listed number assumes that you are fulfilling your promise—if you announce 12 holidays in the coming year but don't actually hold and pay for them, the GM should increase your kingdom's Unrest to reflect public disappointment and outrage.
Expansion Edicts |
Attitude | Economy | Loyalty | Stability | Consumption | Hex Claims |
Isolationist | -2 | +1 | +2 | -1 BP | -1 |
Cautious | -1 | +0 | +1 | - | Standard |
Standard | +0 | +0 | +0 | - | Standard |
Aggressive | +1 | -1 | -1 | +2 BP | +1 |
Imperialist | +2 | -2 | -2 | +4 BP | +2 |
Example: Logan is the Ruler of a kingdom with some Loyalty issues. He issues a Holiday edict that there will be 24 kingdom-wide official holidays in the next year (Loyalty +8, Consumption +4). In the second turn, he worries about the increased Consumption's effect on the Treasury, so he issues a new Holiday edict decreeing that until further notice, there will be no kingdom-wide holidays. He loses the previous +8 Loyalty bonus and incurs a -1 Loyalty penalty for the new Holiday edict, but no longer has to pay the 4 Consumption each turn for his previous edict. If he frequently changes Holiday edicts from high to low levels, the GM may decide that his citizens no longer believe such promises and he won't gain any benefits from having a high level of Holiday edict until he becomes consistent.
Expansion Edicts
Taxation Edicts |
Tax Level | Economy | Loyalty | Revenue |
Minimal | +2 | +2 | Economy check / 5 |
Light | +1 | +1 | Economy check / 4 |
Normal | +0 | +0 | Economy check / 3 |
Heavy | -2 | -4 | Economy check / 2.5 |
Crushing | -4 | -8 | Economy check / 2 |
Expansion edicts represent how aggressive your domain is in terms of enlarging its territory and claiming new subjects, sometimes at the expense of consolidating the ground you already hold, or whether you focus on slow and incremental growth.
Taxation Edicts
Setting the tax level determines how much revenue you collect from taxes in the Income phase. Higher taxes increase income at the expense of stagnating business and angering your population, while lower taxes sacrifice some income to make your citizens happier.
Special Edicts
In addition to the three required edict types, there are a variety of other actions which the kingdom's government may choose to undertake if it wishes. Usually only one of these may be chosen per turn. A Palace increases this number.