Moving / MustBeDone
List of Things that Must Be Done
In Advance
- make bras and panties
- string beads
- fix leaf dress trim
Just Before Leaving
- cut off Paypal from bank account
- make wills
In Seattle
- Joel changes address on voter registration
- December 10, 2013
- Renew Oregon driver's license: "Renewal of your driving privileges can be accomplished using our Valid With Previous Photo (VWP) process. I would suggest doing this sometime in the early portion of the upcoming year to avoid any last minute complications since the timeframe for which our system retains your photo will lapse close to you renewal date. To renew using our VWP process, request a VWP packet via email when you are ready to do renew. A VWP packet will be emailed back to you along with all requirements. The requirements to renew will include providing proof of your legal presence in the US (a copy of your state issued birth certificate or US Passport) allowing DMV to verify your social security number with the Social Security Administration, and the renewal fee of $40.00. You can renew anytime within 14 months of your expiration date. Please email us when you are ready to do this and a packet will be emailed to you with all related information."
In Russia
- Update Russian address with credit union
- Update Russian address with DMV
- May 2014
- January 25, 2015
- Joel renews driver's license