Main / Saga-Session3

We arrived on our riding beasts at the imperial base in jungle, our rodian scout arriving slightly late due to picking up a trophy from the rancor. We needed to take the imperials out fast before communication could be established with the prison. The speeder bike cannons did a LOT of damage to us, and we didn't do well shooting at the drivers. I almost got taken out, Kel Dor scoundrel got taken out, Ewok did a great job healing, Zabrak did a good job charging around with his staff knocking a trooper off his bike. Nastya did fairly well shooting, too.

We managed to defeat them in time. We refreshed our medpac stocks from the imperials' utility belts. Returning to the village, we rested there 2 nights, using all our medpacs, but got healed up, Kel Dor still wasn't in great shape. We made a plan to call prison guards to outpost where scout had been headed, then quickly went to the prison on speeder bikes.

The plan worked pretty well, drawing off several imperials. We snuck into the prison through a tunnel, intimidated the doctor we met in the lab at the other end of the tunnel, hacked computer for info, and reprogrammed the med droid to be helpful. There were some locals who'd been experimented on and brainwashed, who were beyond help. We sent the med droid to knock out a gunner, the other gunners came to med lab to investigate, we took them out them in the surprise round, and then looted the lab for surgical tools, 10 medpacs, 2 medkits and various other chemicals. After that we headed to the com center.

Short work was made of the imperials there, and we quickly planted the bomb and headed to the detention block. We eventually defeated the guards and droids who stopped us there. We found four prisoners (including the admiral we were sent to find), freed and armed them, and started to make our way out through med center. Reaching the end of the tunnel, we noticed storm troopers outside the vent. They had killed our guide, surrounded the prison, and an AT ST walker was patrolling outside.

Our ship contacted us, says they're repaired and can pick us up from the roof of the prison... once we've made our way past the 2nd floor, of course. Also, imperials on our comlinks are waiting for word from the detention block about the alarm there that went off briefly (before Egor shut it off).

Page last modified on December 01, 2017, at 05:13 AM