Main / Saga-S1Summary

Summary for Session 1

The characters, looking for work, find themselves on Sel Zonn Station, orbiting the Core World of Brentaal. Being non-human, they aren't treated well by the humans and Imperial representatives there.

After walking around a little, they find themselves on the Promenade. They notice some suspicious-looking men, who are carrying hold-out blasters and whispering into comlinks.

A woman in the greasy clothes of a mechanic comes onto the Promenade. She has been wounded. She asks the heroes for help, and they decide to help her. They fight storm troopers and save the woman.

The woman takes them to a safe place and tells them that she works for Bail Organa of Alderaan. She needs help. They agree to help, and she tells them that they need to get some valuable cargo that was shipped all the way from the Deep Core. She tells them that they need to go to Deep Storage Bay V14 and talk to a droid named "Switch".

The heroes hack a terminal, find a plan of the station, and go through ventilation ducts to get to bay V14. There, they meet Switch and his astromech droid R5-B8. Suddenly, a bunch of thugs burst in, led by a Chevin gangster. They kill Switch and after a brief firefight, turn on the party. The heroes convince the gangster, Ganga Lor, that they were just passing through. Ganga Lor leaves.

Alone in bay V14, the heroes befriend R5-B8 and take Switch's head in the hope of reactivating him later. They hack his terminal to find out the location of Maya's package, which is in Blue Deck's main docking bay.

The heroes use the plans they acquired previously to make their way up to Blue Deck, which is very nice and in good repair. They are able to lock the Imperial officer and some of the storm troopers in a room and kill the storm trooper on the repulsor sled. Then, they call Maya and R5-B8. The droid brings the ship, The Binary Repeater, to the docking bay, and the Banshee, a ship that Maya calls, comes to pick up the package, which turns out to be an person in carbonite.

Page last modified on June 10, 2017, at 05:32 AM