Main / HarvestfestInfo

Aside from the events listed below, the town has the typical air of a fair. Many people have set up tents or stalls along the paths from roughly from south of the common shops to the parade ground, where a Varisian caravan is encamped, with the usual trinkets and elixirs one might expect. In the evening, there will be a feast, or actually several, in the field south of the shops where large pavilions have been set up.

The common feast is potluck, the harvestfeast costs 2sp, and the high feast costs 2gp, or 1gp for those who hunted. Before the feasts there are speeches and ceremonies with awards for the hunts (400 sp/team) and the talent pavilion and the archery contest and the boulder smashing, and everything else that went on. All the feasts are good, satisfying meals, but the high feast is magnificent. There is venison, roast boar, and roast pheasant, broiled fish, honeyed squash, apple sauce and various ciders, wine and ale, fried root vegetables, berries in whipped cream, and plenty more, all served on silver plates.

Page last modified on May 24, 2012, at 10:33 AM