After tracking the goblin druid through the sewers, and following him through the fields to his cave, the party arrived at 6am. Looking around for about 10 minutes, they noticed 3 vines with crimson flowers shaped like faces, along with a wagon, a donkey, two caves, several trees, and a melon patch. The flowers seemed suspicious, so we investigated. Petunia was stricken by soporific pollen, but Vin was unaffected, and dragged her clear, and they retreated, finishing it off with missile weapons.
They hurled rocks at the next flower-vine, slaying it. Approaching the melon patch, they were surprised by a plant-man with a gourd for a head, and Vin was entangled by vines sprouting from a seed it spit at him. In its head they found a small clay pot with a piece of honeycomb in it. They then spent an hour or so resting - trying to bandage up the deep gouge the seed left in Vin's arm, and Petunia drank a healing potion to heal the acid burn from a thorn the flower-vine shot at her, and brewed up another to replace it.
As they sneaked up on the left cave, Petunia heard some snoring from within. They ambushed a sleeping goblin, and tried to interrogate him, but he wriggled free and ran off in a cloud of fog. As they pursued, Vin was blasted with a white-hot bolt of fire, leaving him barely standing. But two could play at that game, and a bomb from Petunia knocked him out, whereupon the party tied him up, finished off the last flower vine, looted his lair, picked his mushroom garden, and loaded him into the cart. Petunia successfully convinced him that she'd avoid using him as a test subject if he'd give her some information. By the time he finishes talking it's probably 9:30 AM.
The mushrooms from the mushroom garden are able to be sold for 60gp, if sold immediately. All told, the vast majority of the rest of his gear can be sold for a total of 108 gold. We will be keeping the decently-made backpack and belt pouch, and the profane symbol of the Hungry Moon Goddess (to use, and as evidence, respectively.) We finish all of the selling, and arrive at the midden heaps at quarter to 1 in the afternoon.
By late afternoon, it actually got rather warm (and even smellier than usual). Finish bonding just at sundown, 9pm. Dwarf charges 8sp, 4cp. Stop by Danbury's on way home to see what he's done with the mushrooms, but he won't be cooking them until tomorrow. Tonight is Turkey with apple reduction sauce with Baked Watercress, Slow-Roasted Broccoli parcels with Baby Potatoes, and sugared cubes of jellied fruit for dessert. The featured drink is The Tongue-Dunking Triton licorice root beer.
Art on Display
- an Adamantium false hand, set with 9 Black Opals.
- a beautiful silver peg-leg, with the insignia of a military unit.
- a gold mask, set with a Star Diopside.
- a glass eye that always seems to be watching you.
- The captain of a shattered company, injured in a terrible and devastating ambush.
- The leader of a religious cult, hunting for a sacrifice.
- The warden ghost of the Ghostly Minstrel, generous to the good-willed.
- A gutted tower, home to many birds.
- An unknown man wearing a robe of pebbled black leather and a simple hood of maroon brocade.
- A very large etching of a drake and a donkey after sunset. It was done in an archaic style.