Torag's Temple in Lodell is a magnificent vaulted stone building which curves around a pool and terraced rock garden on the slopes to its southeast. The main priest is Miep Tamble (Gnome F NG Clr3), whose long grey hair blends with her robes as she shuffles about, stooped from her many years bent over a stone chisel. Ebb Echols (Human M LG Clr1) is her assistant, a tall young man who seems constantly preoccupied with the temple's magnificent mineral collection. There is one other acolyte of Torag at the temple, Juutar Alens, a gnome always sweating over his tiny jeweler's forge (M NG Adp1). The temple sells potions of darkvision for only 200gp, so that visitors to caverns can more easily appreciate their wonders with a dwarf's sight.