Main / DnDHR-Intimidate

To intimidate a person or group into surrendering needs a number of successful intimidate checks before combat starts.

The DC of the check is 10 + (target's level or HD) + (target's Wis modifier). If there are a variety of enemies, the GM can just use the most difficult DC, or evaluate the effects on each group separately if there's a chance some enemies might fight even if others surrender.

  • First round of checks
    • one success: enemy begins combat as they normally would
    • two successes: enemy typically holds off long enough for another round of checks
    • three or more successes: enemy typically surrenders
  • Following rounds of checks (DC increases by 5 for each round after the first)
    • no successes: enemy begins combat as they normally would
    • one success: enemy typically holds off long enough for another round of checks
    • two or more successes: enemy typically surrenders


  • +4 if larger than target
  • -4 if smaller than target
  • -2 if more enemies than characters
  • -6 if 2x or more enemies than characters
  • +2 if 2x more characters than enemies
  • +4 if 4x more characters than enemies
Page last modified on January 30, 2019, at 12:04 PM