Main / Bookbinding
- Make document
- Convert document to PDF
- Make signatures (groups of pages) using Bookbinder 3.0
- Print signatures
- Cut out fancy front and back pages and add to stack of signatures
- Sew signatures
- Following these instructions, glue the text block (group of sewing together signatures) together
- Make cute little headbands
- Glue text block to a piece of fabric and glue the fabric to the end pages (Update (?): sew outside signatures to end pages and fabric. Glue spine again.)
- put some waxed paper between the end pages and the signatures and then put it in a clamped press (between some wood clamped together) to dry overnight
- Measure and cut out the front and back pieces of the book from book board (2mm at the top and bottom edge + 2,5-3mm fore edge square is great for a smallish book) (also: see cheat sheet in Home/Hobbies/Books)
- Now, I think that about the width of the text block is good and then the height plus 4 or 5mm.
- This page says you should use thin card stock (the 120lb paper I have should be fine) for the spine
- Cut out paper for outside of book
- Have about 1.5cm to fold in
- Should be 2cm of blank board
- Center paper/fabric should be about thickness of the text block +7cm
- When gluing the boards to the fabric, there was about 1cm between the board end and the textblock. I think this is too much. Probably.
- Print title and author on outside paper
- Spray printing with fixative
- Glue to spine fabric to paper
- Create the outside material and follow to end
- Glue the board to the outside material
- Fold and glue outside material (Head and tail turn-ins are done first regardless of the shape of the book; short and long sides play no role here. The fore edges are done last, so the topmost turn-in edge at the corners ends up facing away from the fore edge.)
- Glue text block in
- Glue heavy interior pages to outside material
- Put back in press to dry