Main / Bookbinding


  1. Make document
  2. Convert document to PDF
  3. Make signatures (groups of pages) using Bookbinder 3.0
  4. Print signatures
  5. Cut out fancy front and back pages and add to stack of signatures
  6. Sew signatures
  7. Following these instructions, glue the text block (group of sewing together signatures) together
  8. Make cute little headbands
  9. Glue text block to a piece of fabric and glue the fabric to the end pages (Update (?): sew outside signatures to end pages and fabric. Glue spine again.)
  10. put some waxed paper between the end pages and the signatures and then put it in a clamped press (between some wood clamped together) to dry overnight
  11. Measure and cut out the front and back pieces of the book from book board (2mm at the top and bottom edge + 2,5-3mm fore edge square is great for a smallish book) (also: see cheat sheet in Home/Hobbies/Books)
    • Now, I think that about the width of the text block is good and then the height plus 4 or 5mm.
  12. This page says you should use thin card stock (the 120lb paper I have should be fine) for the spine
  13. Cut out paper for outside of book
    • Have about 1.5cm to fold in
    • Should be 2cm of blank board
    • Center paper/fabric should be about thickness of the text block +7cm
    • When gluing the boards to the fabric, there was about 1cm between the board end and the textblock. I think this is too much. Probably.
  14. Print title and author on outside paper
  15. Spray printing with fixative
  16. Glue to spine fabric to paper
  17. Create the outside material and follow to end
  18. Glue the board to the outside material
  19. Fold and glue outside material (Head and tail turn-ins are done first regardless of the shape of the book; short and long sides play no role here. The fore edges are done last, so the topmost turn-in edge at the corners ends up facing away from the fore edge.)
  20. Glue text block in
  21. Glue heavy interior pages to outside material
  22. Put back in press to dry
Page last modified on January 13, 2020, at 08:42 AM