KingmakerPlayers / KM-Session1

Session 1

The team meet up at The Scarlet Griffon, where they have rooms while in Restov. In the evening, Freya drinks and parties, Trshvk talks with people but doesn't find out anything amusing, and John and Torgir each go to bed early. In the morning, the party seemed mostly interested in tidiness, with Trshvk cleaning his pony, John cleaning his guns, Torgir cleaning himself, and Freya readying her spells.

Arriving at the impressive town hall, they enter a waiting room and see the other groups that are exploring the Stolen Lands to get their charter. While waiting, Торгир talks to a human male from Maegar Varn's group (who has a bunch of axes) and discovers that there should be plenty of opportunity for coin in the stolen lands. Freya helps a halfling name Perrin Twostabs put a rat into Baroness Pavetta Stroon-Drelev's hat with exceptional artistry and grace.

Maegar Varn's group:

  • Maegar - young aristocratic human, who's not a jerk.
  • Gnome - male, with green hair and a purple cloak
  • Halfelf - female, with a holy symbol of Erastil
  • Human - male, shaggy looking, carrying axes

Tough Mercenaries (introduced to us by John):

  • Dess - a deep dwarf with a greatsword
  • Alora - a loud, rude human female carrying a bow
  • Melf - (human?) with a floating, glowing crystal circling his head

Fancy Nobles: (the party wasn't interested in getting to know these guys)

They get the charter. They borrow two horses with harness and saddles.

Necessities acquired, we set forth along the road to Oleg's Trading Post. Passing through Coolshadow and Fort Serenko, nothing much happens. Arriving at Oleg's, we're met by Svetlana, who ask's if we're here to deal with the bandits. She explains that they come on the first of each month, and basically take everything. The first time, there were twelve of them, plus a smart angry woman with axes and a stupid man with a bow. The next time, six and the guy with the bow, and after that, four and the guy.

We make plans, and stay up all night trying to fix the catapults on the fort's towers, finally managing to get one functional, for a little while at least. Then we lie in wait for the bandits. They ride in the gate and dismount, and Freya and Puhshistic scare the horses off. John threatens them from one side with the catapult, Torgir stalks down from the other with his axe, and Trshvk pops out in front with his war pony. Surrounded and dismounted, the bandits throw down their weapons.

They agree to cooperate, and descibe what's up with the various bandit camps in the region - a close one hwere they're based, and a farther one where the Stag Lord lives. Svetlana asks if any of them have the ring that was stolen from her - they don't. Their female leader took it, and then it somehow got passed to someone else, they're not especially clear about this. In any case, Svetlana offers a reward for it, and Oleg gives us some coins and potions for preventing the bandit raid. We still need to defeat at least a few more bandits to get the reward on a wanted poster, and Svetlana offers us some cash for a basket of moon-radishes to make soup for Oleg. In any case, we can also stay and eat for free at the trading post as long as we like.

Page last modified on January 13, 2019, at 02:01 AM