Durgeddin / Durgeddin-Players-AvraeCommands
Avrae Commands on Discord
- !a axe -t monster1 (regular attack)
- !a halberd -t monster1 -rr 3 (roll three times)
- !action surge (spend action surge)
- Attacks with disadvantage add "dis".
- Attacks with advantage add "adv".
Character sheet
- !update
- !sheet
- !action - shows all your actions
- !g status (shows hp, spell slots, and other counters)
Coin Purse
- !g coin - shows coin purse
- !g coin +10cp +2gp
- Coins must be a number or a currency string, e.g. +101.2 or 10cp +101gp -2sp.
- !cc <name> <amount> (<name> can be "ki", should try "bardic" or "song", like "!cc ki -1")
- !cc (short for !customcounter, lists all counters for a person)
- !cc reset <name> (reset named custom counter to default value.)
Hit Points
- !g hp _amount of change_
- !g hp set _new hp_
- !g thp _extra temp hit points_
- !g hp max - sets hp to max
- it looks like maybe you are supposed to use !init hp <character name> max to set it to max during combat
- use !init hp <character name> max <value> to change the max value (during combat?)
- !g hp (shows hp)
- !second wind
- Player Combat Guide
- Each combatant should add themselves to the combat with "!init join".
- if you have advantage, use "!init join adv".
- if you have disadvantage, use "!init join dis".
- Once every combatant is added, each combatant should check their hp with !g hp.
- You attack like normal with the attack commands above or the spell casting commands below.
- you use -t to put in the name of the target.
- Then, when you are done, use "!init next".
Just plain dice
- !g lr (long rest)
- !g sr (short rest)
Saving throws
- !s con (constitution saving throw)
- !g deathsave save
- !g deathsave fail
- !g deathsave reset
- !spellbook
- !cast [spell]
- use "!help cast" to get all the details
- Spell details lookup
- !spell [name of spell]
- !spell Polymorph
- Condition details lookup
- !condition [name of condition]
- !condition Charmed
- Item details lookup
- !item [name of item]
- !item Bracers of Defense