Deadlands1 / Session3

Thursday, March 8, paper has "Local Heroes Face Down Doom Wolves!" Paper account is pretty accurate, despite what we told them.

Within days lots of reporters from out of town are showing up. People getting worried about Robert Love's "demonic powers" - crossing the street beside the jail.

At request of "community members" like Judith and Father Michael, at the urging of Mac, the decision is made to have the trial tomorrow.

Trial on Friday: Reporters all over. Jenny Mills gives moving testimony about her experience. Judge is convinced and Robert Love is scheduled to hang.

Father Michael gives R Love a last chance to repent and is sworn at.

Hanging on Saturday at noon. People coming in from all over. Mayor Love wants a private moment with Robert at around 11:00 AM. Mac lets him in the room alone, but tries to listen in, but is unable to hear anything.

Noon. Church bell tolls. Mac marches Robert Love out to the gallows, shotgun in hand. "Any last words before we string you up?" Robert says, "You may think you have won, but the Black Hand of Ubletat will triumph! I call on my brothers to rise up!" Gunshot from the crowd! Jenny Mills stands with gun in hand. "I think we've had enough of that," and stomps back to the ranch.

Mac hangs Robert Love anyway, to make sure he's dead. The mayor sends a few young men to bury him - a nice mahogany coffin. Lower him into the ground and cover him up.

Doctor Wolf has been working on his electric lantern and will be done with it soon.

Monday, March 12

Father Michael receives a letter in the morning post.

We each receive a request from Mayor Love to come and see him. A bright young man in travelling clothes is there with the Mayor. He is introduced as Luke Goldwater, who has a request for us. Assistant Mayor of Wickenburg has asked the Heroes of Vulture to come to Wickenburg and dispel from horrible rumors and tell what really happened. Perhaps at a meeting on Tuesday to address a gathering of important community members. Goldwater says they'll provide nice hotel rooms and food and a stagecoach to Wickenburg. Onatah and Mac choose to ride their horses instead.

Tuesday, March 13

At 4 PM, we board the stage to Wickenburg, followed along by Onatah and Mac. Some travelling salesman are in the stage too. Lets us off at a crossroads just outside of town - a handful of people are gathered, a priest is intoning words, a coffin is being buried.

Sheriff Wilson, an older grey haired man, says a saloon whore died in her sleep. Unnatural causes have not been ruled. Wolf, "Unnatural causes in your sleep? How does this happen?" The sheriff is reticent, but at a prompt from Father Michael he explains that Doc Philips said she died from blood loss.

We are led into town and into the elegant Gordon Hotel. 30 or so well dressed members of the community. David King Udall, assistant mayor, is introduced - thanks us all for accepting their offer. Clearly talk of dark powers is an exageration of the irresponsible media... We get a snack, then Udall quiets the room and introduces us.

Father Michael gives a somewhat conservative version of what happened. Wild animals in thrall of the dark priest... People are reassured and give dirty looks to the reporters. A pale man steps forward from the audience to greet us.

He's old but impressive looking, wearing preacher's garb. Doesn't look undead, not cold to the touch. "It's not only Vulture that has demons." Needs our help. People are dying - Mayor and wife died last week. Vampires killed the Mayor! Father Michael suggests a private meeting - Nolan Edward's room in the hotel - in 45 minutes.

We mingle with the crowd for a bit, answering some questions. About the beasts; about how we overcame them; what happened to Robert Love; could it happen here?! We milk the hospitality for food and drink. Assistant Mayor thanks us all for coming; Luke will give us the keys to our rooms and can talk about the town. Invited to see Assistant Mayor tomorrow morning before we leave.

Head up to Nolan Edward's room - at the end of the hall. Nolan welcomes us in to his "Poor Sally Ann was killed last night in this very hotel?" Judith, "How many people killed by vampire?" Accelerating rate lately - 4 or 5.

Dedicated to eradicating the vampire evil! How did he get in this line of work? When a young man, 50 years ago, I lived in beautiful Kentucky... one day this dark menace seemed to settle over the town. Father, the town preacher, born in Europe, felt something specific was causing these problems. Got fit and strong, drove vampire evil out of the town; since then he's been on the trail of evil, tacked it here to this town after years of effort.

Taking a look at him - he seems driven, maybe even compelled, but may not be crazy.

"Now people are getting scared... it must be destroyed. People are getting scared." Offers us some money to help him. He suspects a gambler in town, came in recently, Jackie O'Neil - came into town before the mayor died, spent time with Sally Ann (Anna: who didn't?!), only out at night. Jackie mostly spends his time at Greelie's Tavern - retires with a lady in the small hours.

Vampires - Sunlight, water blessed by a holy man, tend to avoid fire, wooden stake (or arrows) in the heart will paralyze them, some animals don't like them.

Judith goes to seek out the town undertaker about Sally Ann - lots of exsanguination deaths? Judith makes shop talk - about the head in a well - Sally Ann was indeed exsanguinated, as was the mayor. Sally had nasty pair of puncture wounds on the neck. Strange couple of weeks. Undertaker asks what Judith's doing for the rest of the evening (she's purty!) - she gives him her address, he's thrilled to keep in touch.

Dr Wolf and Onatah decide to leave the party and walk around town and get a feel for the town. Dr Wolf has been here a few times for supplies (including the last adventure). It's got some nice areas - it seems fewer people on the streets than he remembers.

Mac heads over to talk to the local sheriff about the local trouble situation. Introduces himself as sheriff from Vulture. Run down on when the trouble started? Sheriff says they got this handled, don't worry about it. Judith is along and brings up she's heard disturbing theories from Mr. Edwards... Sheriff says he's a crank, coming in after dark with his crazy vampire story. They'll get to the bottom of it... Judith asks about Edwards vs deaths timeline. He did show up before the mayor died - he's a strange character. Sheriff might check into it more.

It's late and the saloon is still half full - Jackie O'Neil is gambling at a table with three others. Hushed talked, even the piano has a melancholy air. Jackie has a fair stack of chips in front of him. Dr Wolf approaches the table - "So, teach me how to play this game of yours." Three others in decent clothes. Jackie is clearly in charge of the table. Bobby Whitaker is getting antsy as he's losing.

Bobby Whitaker explains the basics of poker to Dr Wolf. They play a hand, and Jackie wins - smiling at Dr Wolf mischievously. "See how that works... Want to play again..." They continue to gamble - Dr Wolf keeps his money...

Bartender gets Mac a beer. Talking to bartender, Mac says few words. Judith and Father Michael at the bar. Onatah is in the tavern watching the scene.

Michael spills drink, fails to make it looks like an accident, but smooths it over by buying a bottle for the table.

Three guys come in, from horses, one really big. "Why do you let these damned red skins in here?" One of them joins us at the table. "These guys any good or what?" Jackie shoos him off, "Go on now" Want to take it outside; Jackie declines. The guy goes over to the bar and glares at people looking for trouble.

Mac meets his gaze and glares right back. The unpleasant man looks away but makes an "unpleasant comment about your parentage". Mac asks him to repeat it. He does, you got a problem, want to go outside? Mac doesn't got a problem - but his badge might. Guy says, "Oh, you're one of those Northerners come down here..." He tries to overawe Mac but Mac doesn't flinch. He says, "I don't care about your badge." Mac ignores the man and turns his attention to the man in white.

Onatah has been watching the man in white - he looks like "more than a regular old sketchy bastard." Might be a not so good kind of guy.

Father Michael asks who those guys are - they work at a ranch outside of town. Eugene, with the knife, owns the place. "Gloves" Williams used to be a nicer guy, but these days...

The big guy at the bar, Nevada Dan, is hitting on a lady in raunchy ways - manhandling her. The bartender tells him to keep his hands off, but Dan continues to grope. Mac grabs Dan on the shoulder, if he wants his services ask nice. Dan's been looking for a fight all night, and now he swings at Mac, punching him in the face and sending him staggering.

Judith swings her beer mug at Nevada Dan hitting him in the head, but it doesn't phase him. Nevada Dan spins and shoves Judith back against the bar, "Stay out of it, lady." Eugene Smith and Gloves move up to stand by Nevada Dan, to reinforce their group.

Onatah yells to stop the fighting, and Dan is unnerved by her but won't stop yet. Mac joins in yelling that he's under arrest for striking an officer and the fight goes out of Dan. Mac moves to handcuff Dan.

The preacher creeps up behind the group, just in case. Gloves goes to draw, and Father Michael cracks bottle of whiskey over his head. Gloves draws and spins on the preacher, telling him to back off. "No one's going to be arresting Nevada Dan tonight."

Dr Wolf draws his sword. Eugene throws his knife at Dr Wolf, but Dr Wolf successfully dodges.

Mac snatches up his shotgun up. "I already arrested him, so back off unless you want to be next." Nevada Dan headbutts Mac, who almost drops to the ground, but shakes it off by virtue of Fate. Judith swings her beer mug at Nevada Dan again who easily blocks it.

Mac raises the shotgun and tells Gloves to drop it before the situation gets worse. Gloves lowers his hand. Judith snatches up a bar stool and swings at Nevada Dan. Father Michael tries to grab for Gloves' gun but fails utterly. Nevada Dan pushes Judith away, "I told you to stay out of this."

Eugene draws another knife. Mac yells at Nevada Dan to get on the ground unless he wants to get his head blown off. Nevada Dan is a little distracted. Onatah calls on the spirits to make Nevada Dan clumsy. Nevada Dan punches Sheriff MacBride in the face and Sheriff MacBrid hits the ground.

Father Michael holds up his hands and encourages them to just leave and no one will interfere. Eugene says, "Com' on guys, let's go before the sheriff shows up. You've had your fun." Nevada Dan kicks Sheriff Mac in the leg and says, "You haven't seen the end of this, any of you guys." And they head out.

Dr Wolf cleans Mac up and he spends a few minutes recuperating. (Dr Wolf recovers Eugene's knife).

Judith thinks we ought to bunk together, to avoid vampire attack. Ladies and gentleman share two rooms.

A scream from the street wakes us - we stick our heads out the window. A woman runs down the street screaming, "The sheriff, the sheriff" We go out to see what's going on. The sheriff is hanging from his own porch. A quick lookover by Dr Wolf and Judith reveal that he's exsanguinated. Cutting him down - there are three punctures on his neck and each wrist - three different bites from different vampires.

Mac goes to see Deputy Weakes, he's young, even younger than Mac. But he's ready to take on the job. He shoulders his shotgun and asks to join us on the way to the dude ranch.

We meet up with Edwards and tell him the gambler was innocent, but we think the ranchers are. He still thinks there's something weird going on in town, maybe a head vampire here. But he'll come with us. Notably Mr. Edwards doesn't burst into flame in sunlight, so we're OK there.

A few quick errands are run. Onatah applies warpaint, Father Michael makes some holy water and is sure to give the dead sheriff last rites (so he stays dead).

Around noon we head out to the ranch, nothing looks terribly amiss. The cows may be thirsty, but not for blood - there's no pattern of really suspicious wounds on their necks. All is silent as we approach the ranch house, the cows seem to watch us, a bull wanders over with a weird look in his eyes, but stops at the fence.

As we approach, the bull snorts and charges straight through the fence. Deputy Weakes screams like 6 year old and cowers. Onatah is also scared and cowers. Dr Wolf quickly draws his sword and lunges at the bull, stabbing it in the head, skittering off the skull (Heavy Wound and 16 Wind). The bull continues charging, and would have gored Dr Wolf terribly were it not for the intervention of Fate (4 wounds avoided!)

Mac levels his shotgun and gives it both barrels; one shot catches it in the back the other full in the side; critically wounding it. The bull snorts and turns on Patrick, but is too weak. Father Michael fires a final shot into its side and it drops heavily to the ground.

Dr Wolf and Judith investigate the bull. There's definitely something wrong with it. Vampires often have some sort of protector creature...

Looking at the ranch house, all the shutters are closed. We walk around the house opening the shutters. There is a cellar door.

Sheriff Mac and Deputy Weakes are posted by the cellar door while we check out the house. Nolan Edwards kicks in the front door with a swift kick. We search the house quickly - there's not much stuff. There's not much in the kitchen - not much sign of it being used. Stairs head up, no path to the cellar from inside the house. A double barreled shotgun and shells, $50.

We head upstairs, Nolan Edwards in the lead. He opens the door at the bottom of the stairs and there's a gunshot! He falls back, wounded in the leg. Dr Wolf goes charging up the stairs, cranking his clockwork lantern as the light dims. The lamp blazes on, ahead of Dr Wolf is Gloves.

Judith drags Edwards out of the way and begins to tend to his leg. It's a Heavy wound, but not life threatening at the moment. Gloves shoots at Dr Wolf's lantern and the light goes out. Onatah shoots her bow up the stairs and catches Gloves in the belly.

Father Michael charges up the stairs and smashes a window open with the butt of his pistol. A bit of sunlight trickles in, lighting the room sufficiently to see. Dr Wolf heads over and throws open the shutters allowing more light to filter into the room. Father Michael draws a bead on Gloves and prepares to fire.

Judith has patched up Edwards leg enough that he's ready to stand up and head into the fray. Gloves runs down the stairs and pushes past Onatah but is grabbed by Edwards, in the sunlight. Gloves' skin begins to blister and he begins to shriek.

The longer they wrestle in the sunlight the more he blisters. Nolan, "Some vampires can resist the sun for short times!" Onatah levels her bow and fires an arrow straight through his heart. Gloves falls rigid, and the sunlight burns him to dust.

We poke around in the upstairs. There's not much up here, just a chair and tiny cracked window to watch. A brief discussion ensues about how to deal with those holed up in the basement - dynamite, bust in shooting?

Dr Wolf, "What would getting stabbed do a vampire?" Nolan, "Well, they heal quick..." Dr Wolf, "but it still hurts. Excellent." Or you cut off their heads...

Looking through Gloves' dust - a key to the cellar, his gun, his gloves and clothes.

We unlock the cellar doors and pull them open from the sides. From down below, a sleepy voice, "Gloves, what's going on up there?" Mac throws down Gloves' gloves. After a minute we hear a shotgun being cocked.

Mac yells down, "You're under arrest. This is your last chance to come out and surrender before we come in to get you." Mac waits and heads down to the cellar with Onatah and Dr Wolf and his electric lantern. Nevada Dan and Eugene are in opposite corners.

Onatah looses an arrow at Nevada Dan, hitting him in the chest, but not the heart. Mac fires his shotgun and blows off Dan's arm; his second shot takes off the other arm. Nevada Dan flops over to the ground.

Father Michael steps down the stairs and fires two shots in Eugene's belly. Eugene drops to the ground. Dr Wolf scurries over and checks the reflection in a mirror - sure enough they don't appear.

Nolan Edwards indicates these vampires are too newly made to be responsible for the mayor. Nolan, you know it could be that Bobby Whitaker. He only goes out at night, and he goes out into the desert with that Mexican fellow. I think they had something planned for tomorrow night, but Nolan's busy so perhaps we could follow?

Nevada Dan is dragged out into the sun and burns. Eugene is staked, then handcuffed and unstaked. He later wakes and Mac asks who the other vampires are. Onatah approaches to try to threaten him, and Eugene shifts into a wolf form. Shit!

(Father Michael rolls a success on "I told you so")

Judith raises her rifle and shoots the wolf in the hind quarters - hurting it. Father Michael runs down the stairs again, levels his pistol and fires his last sacred bullet into the creature's back. The wolf drops dead on the ground and is dragged into the sunlight to burn.

As we head back to town Father Michael splashes some holy water on Nolan Edwards, just to double check now that we know that some vampires can resist the sun.

Page last modified on October 21, 2012, at 11:27 AM