BESMSystem / BESMSkills


Point Cost: 3
Relevant Stat: Average of Mind and Soul
Specializations: Con, Fast-Talk, Lying, Social Engineering
->Deceiving others, typically with the goal of gaining an advantage for oneself.


Point Cost: 2
Relevant Stat: Body
Specializations: Artificial Structures, Ice, Rock, Ropes, Trees
->The ability to climb natural and artificial structures using one's own physical ability, possibly with the aid of specialized equipment.


Point Cost: 3
Relevant Stat: Soul
Specializations: By species.
->The ability to deduce the mental and emotional state of another.


Point Cost: 2
Relevant Stat: Mind
Specializations: Practically anything.
->This is the catchall skill for familiarity with facts and theory about any subject that isn't already covered by other skills (such as science or law). It can be almost any subject, from Galactic Geography to Tionian tea ceremonies. The broader a skill category is, the less detailed the knowledge will be.

Also, each knowledge has a base skill, and a specialization which could be its own more highly focused separate knowledge skill. For example, one person could have Knowledge: Alderaan (Alcoholic Beverages), while another could have Knowledge: Alderaanian Alcoholic Beverages (Fine Wines).


Point Cost: 3
Relevant Stat: Average of Mind and Soul
Specializations: Cajoling, Diplomacy, Haggling
->The ability to resolve the transfer of favors, concessions, material goods or other things of value.

Page last modified on October 09, 2010, at 07:10 PM