- Baron Althon wants some of his posessions smuggled out of Thornward, in order to avoid having to pay the potentially quite large taxes and fees on them
- arrive in town in evening, but there are heavy dark clouds making it seem like late night. Hot stuffy air, oppressive and stifling
- They are in his townhouse in the city, watched over by a young, fit, attractive, fabulous male retainer Prestan Wood
- He wants:
- a chest of 10,000 gold pieces (weighs 200 pounds)
- his summer, fall, and winter wardrobes (3 chests, 40, 50, 60 pounds, total worth 1200gp)
- his personal tableware (2 chests, 40 pounds each, total worth 2000gp)
- his collection of plays and literature (2 chests, 40 pounds each, total worth 1800gp)
- In exchange, he offers to buy for the party a bag of holding, from ...
- the gate guards have a pair of mages, alternating ritually casting detect magic
- a gold coin per character is an acceptable gate bribe. Trying not to bribe ends up costing 2d4gp.
- alika's thieves cant should give useful info
- random people met in the city include Xaixi, Donella Mackerelface, Imogen the Large, and Raag