- 14 days by fast horse from Honeywood to Lopolla
- meetings will likely take a few days
- changing border away from mountain ridge would be EXTREMELY unpopular in Ket - it's been the border for probably a thousand years. Giving it up is really unlikely
- that the party dealt with a problem in their territory is honestly appreciated
- a cash settlement is unlikely, but a small personal gift (like jewelry or alcohol or something is likely, and arranging a small border shift in the banner hills that can be diplomatically covered up at home as a boundary clarification is reasonable, and closer to the party's existing land (F144-168)
- Ket would prefer to deal with reconsecrating the temple on land within its borders itself - they'd rather it were dedicated to a Baklunish deity, and not to a foreign god
- They would suggest instead dedicating it to Mouqol - the god of haggling and exchange
- In the spirit of haggling and fair exchange, they also suggest that they know of another abandoned city near their southern borders - somewhere in the Scalewood (F141-170 and surroundings). They've avoided that region forever, since it's inhabited by giant lizard-beasts that seem to be under possesion by extra-planar forces. Mount Daha (F139-169, home to a Ki-rin) and its surroundings have always belonged to Ket, but the scalewood is far enough into the Banner Hills that possession of it isn't a political issue. If Nadagiri were to expand its controlled territory to adjoin the Scalewood, and then to somehow pacify the creatures who live there, then Ket would be happy to cede control of the territory (much larger than what the party would get from the elven village) to Nadagiri - especially if they'd trade with the trading post Ket would hope to open at F140-168, nearby and at the head of a navagable river :)