- finished battle vs. nalfeshnee (final blow from scout archers!)
- found corpses of former worshippers of telchur
- buried everyone, had a funeral service
- Xov, Brigeth, etc. are all welcome to come visit and vice versa
- teleported home, snowy in mountains, frozen drizzle on the plains, weather control was really nice for this.
- new booze is doing great!
- new bartender, rude, but we kinda like him. had gifts of wine for the party. From keoland
- made lots of development plans
- decided to visit the bugbears, try to get them to calm down
- intimidate still didn't work well, but persuade and the offer of a cow a month has the chief happy to try to keep his people fat and lazy sitting at home, and we'll help them defend their lair from other threats
- planning on resting at home for a month or so
- roughly needfest, 592