- Awoke, headed to crossroads leading to castle Arlanst
- Del scouted in sparrow form while the others sheltered under a thorny bank with Brigeth
- Got within eyesight of the castle, summoned giant elk, it bugled and headed east into the grasslands, Sir Ulren in pursuit on his mount
- Crept up to the castle, but even with Pass Without Trace were seen
- Ambushed by over-eager flameskulls
- multiple fireballs dropped Del unconscious and he failed the first two death saves before Oli got him conscious
- Milo climbed the tower and accounted well for himself with his sword
- Brigeth failed terribly at leaping, climbing, and fighting in Sabertooth form
- Hipplo did well with his bow
- Oli finished things off with magic missiles
- At the commotion, the howler started living up to its name, all but the druids were immoilized with fear
- del climbed the blockhouse tower in spider form, leaving a web for others to climb
- brigeth blocked the howler with a wall of thorns, and then of fire once it tore its way through the thorns
- the hezrou charged out when alerted by the howling
- everyone clambered up the tower, made it inside, and fumbled with the chest and lock for rounds while the monsters tried to scrabble their way up the walls and past the fire
- finally hipplo sprung the lock, oli thunderstepped them to the roof, the druids became giant eagles, and everyone swooped off over the ocean, the chest's contents held by oli (pendant and sack) and hipplo (dagger and gem)
- finished afternoon 7 sunsebb