- Somehow rolls worked out to sneak past all the shadow mastiffs at the front of the building
- fireball nuked the cultist bunkroom
- were starting to detect magic in the temple chamber, and got jumped by shadows
- misc oponents and fanatic show up as we finish off the shadows
- they get defeated and/or flee, evil mage tries to alert Quill the Veteran - gets cut down in the process
- Quill opens, the door, sees the chaos, says "Well, fuck. Hey."
- Party likes him, we talk, offer him 100gp to switch sides and 50gp a month to join up. He accepts
- use a rhino to deal with the ritual room, after it causes quill some problems
- send the rhino to explore further on, it goes a round or two with the shadow demon
- everyone has mostly crept up to near the door of temple room 17
- finished afternoon patchwall 20