- Returned to Blasingdell
- Checked in on brewing
- Visited Griffon's Nest inn
- Met Ino in elven form, found out about dragon
- Went to Khundrukar, discussed getting favorable trade terms w/duergar if we defeat dragon
- approach dragon as though we're going to pay tribute - astounding charisma rolls, she's totally suckered
- hipplo jumps on, sneak attacks "Are you, by chance, the mighty... yippie kai yai motherfucker!"
- everyone piles on, does huge damage, Jake's snake grapples the dragon so it can't even try to flee
- Oli gets dropped by acid breath, but is revived by hipplo as we finish off the dragon
- explore, loot, go talk with dwarves
- if we go to tell Ino about victory, we might meet caravan as it goes past
- Finished evening goodmonth 21