AshardalonGM / Session26

  • While traveling back from Thornward, heard rumors that a band of hobgoblins had killed a dragon
  • Met Susse hanging out at the blacksmith's in Oakhurst
  • Headed back to Blasingdell briefly to pick up Hipplo's armor
  • Met with Tax, the king's messenger
  • Back to Oakhurst, and then across the bridge and cross-country to Thaw Ridge
  • climbed to the cave, and decended
  • roped together, slipped a bit, found a deep shaft
  • tossed a torch down, it was flung up, and we were attacked by a bunch of poltergeists, which we eventually defeated.
  • Finished on Reaping 13th, afternoon
Page last modified on September 09, 2021, at 03:55 AM