- left Thawr towards Oakhurst 1 Starday, Wealsun
- got jumped by twig blights on the way to oakhurst
- went to town, started a party with the farmers, recruited a shopkeep, two farmers, and the blacksmith
- alika improvised an actually good, rhyming song that scanned, about our the twig blights
- heathen took the shopkeep to borrow a horse in the middle of the night, met his mother the mayor. got asked "are you a mercenary?", answered "I'm a visionary". She was impressed.
- He headed out of town to scout, got to the chasm at 3am, waited to see anything. Party arrived 10am.
- climbed down, chris saw hiding rats with a good perception roll, hung from a rope harness, shot them with flaming arrows until the went away.
- alika found a pit trap, fumbled the disarm, fell in, saw giant rat, killed rat, got loot from pit.
- chris tried to climb wall, fell, took damage.
- went nw, saw empty storage room along hall, met meepo, were diplomatic, went to throne room.
- Impressed queen kobold, got offered two magic items for bringing back dragon, will get map in advance, game paused here.
- didn't try opening mephit door or door to dragonpriest area.
- chris and alika have spent their hit dice.