- Mostly, use rules from here, http://blogofholding.com/?p=6738
- The upkeep costs are mostly based on the pay of workers associated with the business
- Buying supplies/property for a business gets extra profit if the business is profitable - each 100 gp brings in 1, 2, or 3 gp a week for % rolls of 61-80, 81-90, and 91+
- instead of the "add 10%" for running the business a full week, running it for at least 5 days lets you add your proficiency bonus and intelligence bonus to the 1% per day bonus of running it personally
- Jake started with brewing supplies worth 50 or 100gp, which is enough to run on his own, but further investment can go farther.
- Needs at least 1 skilled employee at 2gp/day, only can use 1 if running with simple tools
- unskilled can be hired at 2sp a day each in groups of 5
- A decent small full brewery would cost about 1000 gp to set up if Del wants to get the profits himself, similar prices for setting up some other business, which could probably accomodate up to a dozen additional workers
- The profit can be taken in coin, or used to buy raw product at half price
- minimum time for most types of booze is about 4 weeks, the time can be lengthened of course, but not really shortened
- Barrels in multiples of 3 gallons = 8 standard wine bottles, 12 pints
- Bottle of standard booze = 1gp