AshardalonGM / ReturnOfDurgeddin

  • at some point, Althon's collection of Durgeddin blades, Milo's blade, and Durgeddin's anvil if the party has it are seized by devils or something.
  • Durgeddin or his soul has been trapped, and someone is trying to use him to forge a world-threatening weapon? Maybe orc-affiliated? orcs would remember durgeddin, and like fury. if the party has helped elves in the past, maybe there's a way they can get correlon's help to take out gruumsh's other eye? Durgeddin could be a horned devil (maybe improved)
  • maybe durgeddin just snapped, turned to evil and is now back on a crusade to wipe out all orcs, which the party may well be allied with after saving orcish slaves from the Dao of Scalewood
  • leads an army of bearded devils (appropriate), with subsidiary other creatures like imps, merregons, spined devils, etc. Things that use weapons. Also, iron golems, steel protectors, maybe gorgons
Page last modified on July 04, 2021, at 09:04 PM