AshardalonGM / RapportMaltIngredients
- Elephant ear fungus grows in forests on the trunks of living trees. It is large and greyish-tan, similiar to a shelf fungus, but growing vertically. One forest where it is commonly found is the Shalawood in the Baronies of Fyrkhol, Dount, and Nightwatch.
- the Devils tongue plant is low and grassy, with red-edged purple leaves up a foot long. Among other places, it is found in the Fetid Fens of Cullen Drae.
- Febfendu root can be found along the edges of the Shaeja river, just about its intersection with the Shala river, in the gorge where it drains out of the Fetid Fens. Febfendu is a woody shrub, difficult to distinguish from oak shrubs.