- Note: 1000 miles is approx. 1 time zone - Greyhawk and Blackmoor about 1 zone later than Bissel, Oxton about 1 zone later than that, Pearl Beacon / Winetha about 1.5 zones later than that
- Telchur can contact the characters via dream starting on the first day of winter. He needs his new ox by The end of Needfest. The middle of Needfest might be useful, as worshipers of Celestian are empowered that night.
- Don't forget 1 day or so travel time through druid paths
- Ox lives near Ternsmay in Tenh, with a giant herd of more normal oxen
- 3 days as giant eagle from stone circle to oxton, one day from there to Ternsmay
- Ternsmay to Stroun: 3 days, 3 or 4 to stone circle via Senningford
- from there, travel is slower, since the ox can't fly
- 6 days cross country to stone circle at ox speed, pushing hard (40 miles/day).
- 8.5 days following roads to stone circle at ox speed.
- with longstrider, can cover 50 miles per day
- could probably knock a day off those by casting longstrider on the ox, or even faster with polymorph.
- Where is Murlynd's Lasso? Need to find it. Maybe Murlynd lost it near Castle Fharlanst (south of Winetha in Great Kingdom) fighting with St. Kargoth. (Note: may be death knights) (Can tame creatures of 6 int or less) Winetha info. Might have trouble with a nearby death knight - either Sir Ulren the Boar (Ftr 18 CE) or Duke Rukar Grasz (LE Clr 11(Hextor)/Ftr 4). If the party needs a rescuer, it would likely be a Knight Protector of the Great Kingdom.
- Probably, lasso is in posession of Ulren, who has his lair in the Hypogeum of Ahmon-Ibor, where Sir Kargoth became the first death knight. The Hyopgeum is a great pit, surrounded at ground level by decaying megliths and trilithons. A rubble-covered wide stairway leads down into the pit, which is about 60 feet deep. There are passageways leading off from the pit in various directions, both level with the bottom of the pit, and about 25 feet off the floor, the entryways framed either by trilithons or two stones leaning A-frame against each other. Disturbing thoughts buzz at the edge of perception - "kill", "destroy", "take". One chamber contains a grotesque stone icon, 20' tall, of a figure with two fanged heads like demonic baboons, with a long scaly tail and four tentacles in place of arms.
- lasso usable Against small through huge living creatures of 6 intelligence or less, undead and constructs immune. Resembles combined rope of climbing and rope of entanglement, but of strange metal cable. 20' attack range, 30' rope of climbing range. Restrained DC is 15 or wielder's (dex bonus+prof bonus+8), whichever is better. Those entangled make DC 15 wisdom save at the start of their turn, or be dominated (but no total and precise control). Once a save is failed, they may make a save every (7-Intelligence score) days, and the DC increases by 1 for every week charmed. Once the save is high enough, the charm is permanent.
- Follower of Celestian probably has privleges to use teleport circles
- Druid circles (Going to local archdruid Brigeth Bearfriend for advice. She knows the runes for Harrowstone near greyhawk, and the Spearbough Tor Druid Circle near Blackmoor (Where Obanor Birchborn is located))
- Harrow Mound near Oakhurst
- Harrowstone W of Greyhawk near Mardin's Field
- Druid Circle in Fellreev Forest
- Crypt of Thestos in the Dreadwood
- Stone Circle N of Rookroost
- Dolmen Hill Outside of Tolran Hill near Oxton
- Skrellingshald in Griff Mts
- Trilithon Cave on island E of Pearl Beacon
- Spearbough Tor Druid Circle in N Blackmoor
- Burle Grove near Saltmarsh
- Can get to Nevond in Tenh from teleport circle in Thornward, then three days by horse to Ternsmay
- Tame the ox there
- Nevond is ruined, so there's no one there to cast the last teleport circle spell. What to do? Find a mage somewhere else? Search the city for a scroll? Pray for divine intervention? Search the countryside for a druid transport site? (Skrellingshald is probably the nearest) Figure out the nearest large city (rookroost) and travel there? Is the party already high enough level to just cast it themselves at this point?
- Back to Thorn ward? then can clear out Harrow Mounds near Oakhurst and travel to Fenrock Tor druid circle in Blackmoor, maybe stopping by Nadagiri to keep up on rulership duties
- In Blackmoor, travel to Frost Palace, defeat the Llerg worshipers who've taken over the place (who were ousted from Stonehold after that alliance with the suel broke up), and then they sailed along the coast until they ended up in Blackmoor), then perform a ritual that can bring Telchur there in person to claim his mount
- If everything goes smoothly, it could take about 23 days from getting the quest: Honeywood to Thornward to Winetha to Castle Fharlanst to Winetha to Nevond to Ternsmay to Nevond to Thornward to Harrow Mounds to Fenrock Tor to Frost Palace. (Don't forget about occasional random encounters along the way)
- Northern Lights visible in Blackmoor?
- quests/dreams
- Oli: dreams about teleportation circles
- Del: needs to find out about druids' Ways of the World
- Hipplo (beast rider): needs to tame the largest bull in the world
- Milo (lore finder): needs to find Lasso of Murlynd for Hipplo
- D, H, & M: need to come to Frost Palace by Needfest, clear it of interlopers, and deliver the bull by needfest
- Misc: couldn't reach them in dreams before winter due to desecration of temple
- Links:
- telchur's herald is a unique grey slaad, Xov, who will arrive to consecrate the temple and the mount once the interlopers have been driven out. Xov loses his ability to cast fireball, but gains the spellcasting ability and sorrowful presence of a winter eladrin.
- desecrators of the Frost Palace
- Warlord Cirn - lined face, grey and dark blond hair, scars, short, half plate
- Warpriest Elfric - prefers solitude, wears furs and boots of striding and springing
- 2 clerics - Pyne (tall, skinny, pessimist), Aki (old, big, fat, stupid)
- 6 archers - red/orange/blue shirt, red/orange/blue pants
- 16 warriors - Raiders. Baby-face, Bling, Face-tat, Fatty, Flatnose, Longbeard, Long-hair, Long-neck, Mohawk, Mouth-breather, No-neck, One-eye, Pigtails, Pimples, Squinty, Wrinkles.
- armored polar bear (similar to armored sabertooth)
- At night, two archers watch from the bell tower, the warpriest stays in the main chapel, the bear prowls the grounds (mostly the east), and 4 raiders are at the belltower lower level, the western watchpost, the outbuilding store room, and the south arrow slits, and two more walk between them, constantly switching places.
- the dorm has two resting archers, two resting priests, and 4 resting raiders
- the outbuilding has two resting archers and six resting raiders
- daytime, an archer and three rangers rest in the dorm, switching shifts in the afternoon. Another archer and 3 raiders relax, eat, etc. in the outbuilding dining room except at mealtimes when they relax by the outbuilding bunks.
- mealtimes are morning and evening. First, two archers & two raiders eat in the outbuilding, and the priests and warlord eat in the kitchen. After that, the remaining 8 raiders and two archers eat.
- aside from meals, at any given daytime hour, there's a 50% chance of something going on:
- 1: archery practice in the yard
- 2: sparring in the south garden
- 3: drinking party in the storeroom
- 4: brawl somewhere
- 5: religious ceremony in the chapel
- 6: gear inspection
- 7: argument somewhere
- 8: something is being repaired
- daytime, people otherwise wander around in pairs, 5 raider groups, two archer groups, 1 priest group, and a 1/6 chance the leader is with them, otherwise he's 1-6 chapel kitchen library storeroom bedroom grounds
- rewards:
- divine intervention once or thrice each?
- milo gains storm herald abilities?
- hipplo gains tempest cleric abilities?
- del gains druid arctic circle spells known, also wall of ice @ 11th level
- oli gains storm sorcerer abilities, spells known
- 1st Featherfall
- 3rd Misty Step
- 5th Lightning Bolt
- 7th Storm Sphere
- 9th Control Winds
- 11th Chain Lightning
- hoard (1/4+ is with chief, 1/4 with priests and archers, other halfish split among raiders)
- 400 cp
- 6000 sp
- 2200 gp
- 110 pp
- Boots of striding and springing (worn by war priest)
- 5000 gp worth of rough cut diamonds (2000 held by war priest, 1000 each with chief, each under-priest)
Valuables (650 gp total)
50 gp valuables (650 gp total): (in a chest in the chapel)
2 Chalcedony (opaque white)
3 Citrine (transparent pale yellow-brown)
2 Quartz (transparent white, smoky gray, or yellow)
2 Sardonyx (opaque bands of red and white)
2 Moonstone (translucent white with pale blue glow)
Onyx (opaque bands of black and white, or pure black or white)
Bloodstone (opaque dark gray with red flecks)
Pickpocket loot
- Signet ring of Telchur high priest
- A gem or small piece of jewelery worth 8 gp.
- Whetstone
- map of a castle in stonefist
- Whistle
- 4 nice silk handkerchiefs (2 gp each)
- lodestone on a string
- 3 dice
- playing cards
- string tied in a huge knot
- half-carved wooden wolf head amulet
- previously, there had been 1 main telchur priest, 4 acolytes, and 8 lay worshippers who were weak guards. all were killed and are now laid out in the southern courtyard. they all wear unbleached wool robes, hide or leather armor, holy symbols from a material corresponding to rank, wood through gold, and a white linen stole for the head priest. They had a variety of weapons, which have been claimed by the raiders.