Female high elf traveler
Appearance. Kelirora has on well-worn traveling clothes. She has pale skin and blue almond-shaped eyes that sparkle like stars. Her straight dark brown hair falls to her shoulders. She is in pretty good shape. She is 417 years old (young adult), 5 ft, 10 in (178 cm) tall, and weighs 138 lbs (63 kg).
Personality. She believes it is important to be independent and peaceful. She believes it is far better to be kind than to be smart. She serves the god of the horizon and sports, and her alignment is neutral good (NG).
Adventure Hook. Her traveling company has really been getting in everybody's business lately. They ought to just leave us decent, hardworking folk alone.
High Elf Traveler
Medium humanoid (elf), neutral good
Armor Class 12 (padded)
Hit Points 5 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
8 (-1)
12 (+1)
11 (+0)
8 (-1)
11 (+0)
14 (+2)
Skills Perception +2, Survival +2
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 -1) slashing damage.
Light crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 +1) piercing damage.