AshardalonGM / HoardOfTheMissingDragon

  • In an old grey elven shrine near the crest of Thaw Ridge (NE corner f153-170)
  • Used to be home of Xolbierth, a female white dragon known for her incredibly high-pitched shriek
  • dragon was run out of her home by a banshee and other undead raised by death cultists (by sacrificing people from Thornward) to find out how to call up a shroud of darkness
  • dragon was killed by a band of hobgoblins who'd been out trying to capture winter wolves, and so were prepared for icy breath weapons
  • will o wisps, but darkness, cold, and necrotic instead of light and lightning
  • level 1, eastern corridor - there's a digusting stained bedroll, and remains of a camp where the cultists stayed
  • level 1, western corridor - ceilinged with sharp-looking lagged ice shard - play this up in the description. At the choke point the first person through will dislodge falling icicles which attack at +7 for 3d6 damage
  • 1 - 2 transition: sheer 30' drop. Not too hard to hammer in a piton
  • level 2 - steep and treacherous! lots of ice built up on the walls and floor - need to make DC 15 climb ?or acrobatics? or DC 20 reflex save or slip and fall taking 2d6 damage. There's a not-terribly old bloody patch on the floor where a cultist fell and injured herself rather badly. There are also two deer corpses frozen into the larger western cubby, and a mountain goat carcass frozen in the smaller one
  • 2-4 transition: there's a finely made chain hanging from three mounts on the ceiling into a pit. Heavily tarnished, looks absolutely ancient, but still solid. Elven workmanship. Passes through lvl3 on way to level 4. 30' to floor of lvl 3, another 40' to floor of lvl4
  • level 3: empty cubby is empty. Freestanding obsidian arch at the end of the tunnel, focus for a necromatic ritual that called up ancient elven spirits. Currently the focus of a pair of dark wisps.
  • level 4, bottom of tunnel - haunted by three poltergeists, will try to throw creatures back up the shaft so they'll fall again
  • level 4, main room: ceiling not too high. stone platform. statue in left niche of a beautiful but haughty human woman in robes. Right statue is destroyed, replaced with icy mass. waiting in the shadows are an allip and a banshee. The allip is completely insane and will attack until destroyed, but the bansee will flee into the inner chambers if significantly wounded. she has some memory of the grey elf realm Inathlean, and what the cultist wanted - the secret of raising a Shroud of Night. In life, Phelnora was vain and useless, but couldn't rest before finding out why they were abandoned, and will go to her rest peacefully when she discovers that it wasn't personal. Has very long hair. She had been a shrinekeeper, and failed to protect it when an Ur Flan sorcerer raided it for its secrets.
    • frozen into the ice is the hoard of Xolbierth - 27,074 silver pieces, elven chainmail pouch with 10 platinum pieces, 3x 50gp chalcedony (opaque milky white smooth gems), 1 100gp pearl
  • level 4, side rooms, south is an old study, with rotted bookshelves and books and scrolls long since turned to dust. north is a changing room, among the heaps of old cloth and benches is one in better shape than the rest, a dusty lump that turns out to be a very old but still functional cloak of elvenkind
  • level 4, last room: home to a banshee, Phelnora, who knows what happened. cult needed the knowledge of how to call down a shroud of night, which is the secret that blasted Velbinor, the allip that dwelled here out of mortal life. Statues are abstract, one swirling and fiery, one jagged and almost crystalline, both carved of plain grey stone. Two ancient skeletons, both wearing clothes long ago turned to dust, but beautiful elven jewelry, probably worth 500 gp each.
    • structure used to be an elven shrine to Joramy, forbidden elven shrine to the human God of volcanos and beauty. Not supposed to go outside the pantheon, but need to keep volcano calm.
    • mountain elves left their cities (unknown to shrine elves), it was winter, the shrine elves didn't have enough supplies to survive, died, didn't go to eternal rest without knowing why they were abandoned. (humans forced them out) (knowledge history DC 16 would know this)
Page last modified on October 25, 2020, at 10:14 PM