Fyrkohl, Unfortified Large Town
- Approximately 2000; mostly human, some elf.
- Fyrkohl is governed by an order of knights and warriors, led by a female human named Nennel
Important Places
- Wilde's Smithy: A modest blacksmith's workshop, built within the walls of an old iron tower.
- A broken arch of polished stone, said to entomb an ancient and powerful demon.
- Siannodel's Carvings: A cluttered woodcarver's workshop, said to be protected by fey creatures.
- Checkered Rose Brewery: Headquarters of Del's craft guild
- The Green Glaive? Tavern: Owned by a widower minotaur and his sister, with a friendly older female half elf bartender(tall, long loose red hair). The tavern is low-ceilinged and rambling, with booths and cubbies everywhere, with no tables in the open, and not much space at the bar. Mostly serves cider and perry, porridge, walnut bread, sausage and goat cheese. To stay over, can string up hammocks in the booths.
- Skins: Also known as Second Skins. A leatherworker and taxidermist. Run by Enorallah, a female half-orc who is involved with the owner of Checkered Rose.
- Fyrkohl specializes in forest crafts and materials.