AshardalonGM / EscapingCultists

  • Spy waited a bit, looted the armory, then left
  • Straw golem crawled out of the wreckage at the bottom of the pit, smashed handholds into the dirt wall and climbed out of the wreckage
  • Cult leader pulled himself out of the priest's quarters and escaped
  • start game at about dawn
  • clues
    • former captives say they were all taken near oak square or castle plaza. Asking around in those places will find people willing to talk about some shady folk hanging around with a hearse-like wagon. Asking gate guards and dispensing bribes will get info about a wagon like that.
    • handholds smashed into wall of sinkhole. It, and scent of some human travel together to the cults nearby warehouse, then onto a wagon (easy DC). Then it becomes very hard to track (DC 20). A witness could be found that a large wagon left the Winter Gate during the night, then turned north heading down Fishers Lane. Guards want bribe to say it looks like they were heading towards the docks along the river.
    • velvet cloth is still left in the treasury, as well as imprints of boxes, a few misplaced coins, and some scraps of fine black silk cloth. If it were going to be sold, that would probably be at the Ketite bazaar, where pretty much anyone can rent some space and no one looks too closely at the goods. Al'fen Rayne's stall is open early, and isn't too hard to convince to tell that a black-haired male high elf, dressed like an herb gatherer sold him the cloth, then headed to oak plaza and probably out of the city
    • the hearselike wagon can be tracked to Fisher's Shanty, and a rented warehouse. The warehouse has an attached office where the spy and the conjurer are (he summons a wraith instead of an elemental), and the straw golem and the wagon are in the warehouse section.
  • Useful NPC

Saradoc Rumble Lightfoot halfling househusband

Appearance. Saradoc wears nice clothes, and is carrying a few parcels from local shops. He has light skin and hazel eyes. He has short, thinning, wavy white hair. He walks with a slight limp. He is 187 years old (elderly), 3 ft, 0 in (91 cm) tall, and weighs 40 lbs (18 kg).

Personality. He values the spark of creativity within everyone and believes it is important to be satisfied with your lot in life. He believes it is far better to be kind than to be smart. He pays lipservice to the god of hospitality, and his alignment is true neutral (N).

Adventure Hook. He is working on a project and needs help with the last few finishing touches. (Throwing a 150th birthday party for his wife)

Saradoc Rumble Lightfoot Halfling Househusband

Small humanoid (halfling), true neutral

Armor Class 10 Hit Points 2 (1d8 - 1) Speed 25 ft.

STR 6 (-2) DEX 11 (+0) CON 9 (-1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 11 (+0)

Skills Intimidation +2 Senses Passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Halfling

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4 +0) piercing damage

Page last modified on September 27, 2020, at 10:08 PM