AshardalonGM / DaerskinnarCastle

Formerly the capital of Horsehills barony, it has been uninhabited by civilized folk since the bad baron died without an heir 35 years ago. Located on a rise a few miles west of Oakhurst and east of Ebbernant. It has recently been occupied by a mage ogre (like an ogre mage, but different - fire instead of ice, missile instead of melee, lawful v chaotic etc.) and his goblin minions. He infrequently collects a toll from passing travellers, merchants, and caravans, which is troublesome but tolerable. His goblins use bows, and attacked the fortified position is tricky. Might there be some way to slip inside and reclaim the fortress?

Page last modified on July 03, 2019, at 11:54 AM