AshardalonGM / CultistsUnderThornward
- Cult of the Death Pits
- unhallow or similar effects?
- battle: hydra zombie, fanatic, and 4 thugs, somewhere there's an underground pool -80' dia sinkhole, 40' deep, thick wood support towers 15' in from edge all around, 20' dia waterhole in center. All this somewhat separated (like by a long tunnel) from most of the complex, to keep things from collapsing
- at least two levels of tunnels, dug out of dirt and rock. Mostly dirt tunnels (in contrast to most of the other dungeons we've been in). Some rooms should have high ceilings, maybe balconies, especially gargoyle and hydra rooms
- interestingly shaped room with 4 gargoyles, bridges, pillars, cubbies or similar. prob. pits to shove foes into. Also probably where potions are crafted
- hydra's room was a former sinkhole that got braced and covered over, and late was rediscovered and reused
- jail section for captives
- storerooms
- potions of false life, which also the foes may have been using, and the means for creating them
- death dogs?
- thief quarters, thug quarters, fanatic quarters
- 1: Granary
- 2: Dormitory
- 3: Slaughterhouse
- 4: Secret headquarters
- 5: Root vegetable warehouse
- 6: Father Harvest's Church
- 7: Unaffiliated building
- 8: Courtyard over sinkhole