- Billy was out late at night watching the stars, and was walking somewhere and interrupted a (demi) human sacrifice, possibly of a friend or acquaintance of his. He interfered and earned the ire of the cultists.
- cultists are associated with a base under a slaughterhouse
- they tried to ambush Billy where a street passes over a point where a tunnel emerges from underground. They want to loop a noose over his head and drop him over the edge to appear as a suicide
- the cultists also carry cleavers and various things that suggest a slaughter house
- falling with a noose:take 1d6 damage and make a DC 10 con save, succeed count as holding breath, fail count as ran out of breath. DC 15 athletics to grab the noose and lift self, DC 10 to climb the wall, if rope is cut, another 10 feet to fall. 20' climb or 2 rounds to run back around, or just move and use ranged
- one cultist can cast hold person, others will just try throwing rope and grappling
- the warehouse won't be investigated by the guard, as the owners have been reliable with their bribes
- heironious priests are hard to find, since their temple was converted to a mosque of Al'Akbar. Rao priests are pacifists, but might be convinced to give aid in the form of spells
- "All must die. *You* must die NOW!"
- 1 cult fanatic, 1 berserker, 6 thugs. All with lots of rust red clothing, cleavers, thick leather aprons, etc.