AshardalonGM / Calpius

  • Approximately 1300 population; mixed human and dwarf and gnome.
  • Calpius is governed by an order of knights and warriors, led by a male human named Nother.
  • The Rookery of Idols: A block of cramped and densely-set houses, piled several storeys high. Each house has an idol set within a niche, each idol of a different and strange deity. These idols belonged to various kobold tribes, and the locals believe it bad luck to destroy them. Also, the kobolds believe that the idols contain power, and avoid the town due to the display.
  • The Devil's Gallows: It is said that every thief and murderer condemned to these gallows whispers a dark secret or betrayal in the moment before they die
  • The Fat Bandit: A shabby adventurer's tavern
  • Barony is known for small scale surface mining (gold and iron, mostly) - constant small scale battles with kobolds.
Page last modified on November 15, 2020, at 05:29 AM