AshardalonGM / Armies

  • Armies of small or medium creatures are 50 per 25' square
  • Large creatures form 25' square medium batteries of 12-25 creatures or 20' square small batteries of 6 creatures
  • Huge creatures form havoks of 6 (or 12+?) per 25' square
  • Gargantuan creatures don't form up
  • Groups mounted on large creatures form cavalries, mounted on huge form monstelries
  • Creatures over minimum add to HP
  • To deal with mounted troops, first make a composite of a rider and mount - HD of creature with more HD, size & speed of mount, keep ability scores separate, average of their AC, better of each save, attacks are more complex, as usual(total attacks should be vaguely appropriate for their combined xp value)
  • small band gets +2 str?, medium +3, large +4, army gets +5 (max increase)
  • defeating all phases of an army grants characters double XP?
  • missile troops deal base weapon damage to one target = sqrt(number of troops), ref save 1/2, based on dex, double damage to armies
  • Small AOE up to 12 squares affected (15-25' cones, 5-15' cubes, 5-10' radius spheres, up to 60' line, etc.)
  • Medium AOE 13 to 60 squares affected (30-50' cone, 20-35' cube, 15-20' radius sphere, 60'+ line, etc.)
  • Large AOE 61 or more squares affected (>50' cone, >40' cube, >25' radius sphere, etc.)
  • Small band should be 2 CR over individual; 6 creatures, 10'x10' square, double dmg from S/M/L AOE
  • Medium band 2 CR over small; 12 creatures, 15'x15' square, double dmg from S/M/L AOE
  • large band 2 CR over medium; 25 creatures, 20'x20' square, double dmg from small AOE, 5x from M/L AOE
  • Then armies Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gigantic +2 CR for each step
  • Medium and smaller armies take double dmg from Small AOE, 5x from Medium and large AOE
  • Large and larger armies take double dmg from Small AOE, 5x from Medium, and 10x from large AOE
  • Key point is figure out CR of each step and calculate from there, don't try to figure out too much from score of single creature and extrapolate
  • once an army has lost HP, they can only heal half of that damage in the field, the other half lowers max hp. The army has to be near a source of new troops to regain its old max
  • a commander can use its army as cover from attacks, or he can protect them?
Page last modified on September 26, 2021, at 10:00 PM