ToEEPlayers / ToEE-Session32

We start facing a ghost in a fancy bedroom. Theldin faints dead away (player absent). Moth casts Haste, and the spirit wails - causing Diren's ears to bleed. Diren is taken by it's fear aura and flees - stumbling into the unexplored dungeon area. Fortunately it's an empty dining room and he cowers in a corner.

Elmo is able to attack once but is soon driven off by the fear aura. He ends up racing through the dungeon up to the second level. Pire casts a magic circle against evil protecting him and Moth from being driven off. Pire's spells are repelled by it's spell resistance, but Moth peppers it with arrows. Pire switches over to channelling divine energy, which it resists but not fully. As it wears away, Pire batters it with his aspergillim of speed, sprinkling it with holy water. Finally, Moth finishes it with arrows.

Elmo meanwhile has found his way up to the air temple, gets repelled by an air trap, thwarted by a warded door. But it's dark - he has no source of light. He improvises with alchemist's fire and a piece of rope. He finds the party just before we're about to summon some celestial dogs to track him down.

We reunite and loot the ghost's room - scenes of depravity depicted in art are worth money. And some jewelry too - plus an unknown rock of magic. And a scroll that includes limited wish among other spells.

We then proceed down other corridors. Javier hauls the unconscious Theldin via a wheeled cart found in the dining room. Through one door we find a wizard's scriptorium and laboratory. We poke around, Diren finds some minor useful stuff - plumb line, colored chalk, paper. Moth finds scrolls and starts looking through them. A demonic armored skeleton appears, and attacks Moth. One of the scrolls was apparently trapped.

We surround the demon quickly, and Pire summons a hound archon. The demon engages it, but then a chest near Pire turns out to be a mimic and grabs him with a pseduopod. The attack knocks him out. Elmo goes to engage the mimic, leaving the demon to the Hound and Diren. Elmo calls Javier in to flank the mimic, and the wanna-bard does surprisingly well. Diren and the Hound put down the demon. And Elmo finishes off the mimic, with Javier's flank and Moth's arrows.

We loot the lab - nothing of individual great value, past the scrolls. But Diren grabs some stuff pretend to be a wizard.

Moving on we spot a secret door, but decide to come back to it. The nearby room has empty boxes and litter including bones. The next room is some sort of trophy room. As Diren starts in, he notices a thing lurking on the ceiling. He tries to sneak past, but it starts to move.

We move to engage, it tries to grab Diren but is parried away. Elmo leaps atop a trophy case, stabs at the thing and smashes it against the ceiling with his shield. It grabs Diren and he is immediately suffocated. Moth skewers it a few times with arrows, Pire pounds it with Spiritual Weapon, and Elmo finishes it.

Some looting. Valuable items of unclear provenance, symbols of good gods, and symbols of noble families.

Then back to the secret door. Short passage leads to chapel of good - silver cross and idol of Fultus. (taken as valuable) Secret door in back wall. Imervent detects evil through secret door.

Evil chamber - walls are evil, open coffin with lid next to it, scroll case on lid. Staked vampire is in coffin. Pire tells him to pull the stake, he tries. But grabbing at the stake his hand passes through and he realizes it's an illusion. He offers a confusing description of it not being a vampire. Moth realizes it's an illusion.

Behind the illusion is a corpse of a blond guy with fine equipment and arms of noble houses. Eventually Imervent recognizes the guy as "his boss" - Prince Thromul. He was the marshal of Furyondy, a paladin lord, and important to Veluna. We discuss how to revive him.

Pire checks out the scroll tube - one has two magic user spells. "Let the good ones use their new found strength to seal in the horror of darkness to prove their faithfulness to right and justice. We who wrote this lacked the power to do so."

We haul the coffin out - and the man starts to wake up. At first he doesn't remember who he is. Then Imervent reminds him of all his past life and adventures. Elmo has Imervent grill him to make sure he's not a doppleganger. The guy ended up in there after being attacked while the forces of good were being forced back. The forces of good decided to seal the temple as they couldn't defeat it.

He gives Elmo his necklace and ring in thanks for saving him and the return of Imervent. And once he's returned home he will find a way to thank us.

We decide to head back to the surface and escort him to Verbobonc. We decide to walk the level quick and check for secret doors with Imervent. (And pick up a few bits of loot). As we pass one corner, we spot a black pudding that has bubbled up from level 4. We batter it to death, realizing that piercing damage causes it to split.

Page last modified on June 30, 2013, at 05:04 PM