ToEEPlayers / InnWWMenu

Inn of the Welcome Wench Menu and Prices

Choice venison, mutton, poached salmon, trout stuffed with specially prepared mixtures, goose roasted to a golden brown, pork, steaming sausages, steak and kidney pie with mushrooms or truffles, squab stuffed pheasant, and boiled crayfish in drawn butter are just a few of the epicurian delights which are expected and served here. Boiled eggs, cheeses, and hard biscuits or crackers are often atop the trestle.


Breakfast, plain 5 cp
Breakfast, elaborate 2 sp
Dinner, plain 15 cp
Dinner, elaborate 5 sp
Dinner, 7 course 2 gp
Supper, plain 1 sp
Supper, elaborate 3 sp

Common Drink (per tankard)

Ale 1 sp
Ale, special 3 sp
Beer, small 4 cp
Beer, heavy 8 cp
Mead 3 sp
Mead, special brew 5 sp

Wines(per pitcher/bottle)

Table, local 5 sp
Keoish golden 15 sp
Sundish lilac 25 sp
Urnst white 1 gp
Celene ruby 2 gp
Furyondian emerald pale 5 gp
Velunan fireamber 10 gp

Brandies(per tumbler)

Local 4 sp
Keoish 1 gp
Urnst(special aged) 3 gp

Liqueur(per shot)

Ulek Elixir 4 gp

Page last modified on August 07, 2011, at 08:28 PM