Main / GanathMine

Located two days' travel southwest of Lodell, Ganath mine is run by a small number of gnomes from the Sanos Forest and a few dwarven and human assistants. There they mine galena, an ore of lead and silver, as well as occasional calcite, fluorite, and sphalerite crystals.

Two dwarves from Lodell, Atli Gauti and Telvar Anir, were recently sent to Ganath mine to purchase a cartload of minerals. They left on September 16th, and were due back on the 20th, so they are several days overdue and the temple of Torag would like to know what happened to them.

What happened is that a tribe of kobolds tunneled into the mine from the Darklands, killed most of the 14 resident miners, and put the remaining survivors to work as mining slaves (2 gnomes and a dwarf). The two humans fled at the first sign of trouble. Atli was killed by a kobold trap, and Telvar was injured, captured, and put to work in the mines as well.

  • A - The first area the party encounters is the mine entrance. A wagon sits outside, a DC 10 survival check indicates that it has been here for a few days. No sign can be found of the horses, because of the prior days of rain. A 60' cliff rises out of the back of a small valley in the scrubby hills. A sturdy-looking wooden scaffolding rises around 30' up the side of the cliff, with a staircase bolted onto the side. (The stair is trapped.) Piles of ore are loosely heaped around the small valley, but aren't of much value without further processing. They were clearly delivered here via the rail cart that runs out of a 4'x4' hole in the base of the cliff. (The rail tunnel is a cramped space for a medium creature, and trapped.)
  • B - The tunnel leading inwards from the 10x20 scaffold platform is about 10' across and 6' high. Characters taller than dwarves are at -2 to combat with weapons larger than light. Most tunnels on this level are similar. The tunnel leads straight inwards about 30' and then opens into a large rubble filled room, 55' deep and 45' feet across, with a 10' ceiling. The dim light filtering in from outside is enough to see a group of small figures in the chamber (who are attached by long (30') chains to a 5' pillar in the center, DC 17 to notice before combat). These goblins? are kept here as guards and, rather insane, attack anyone entering the chamber.
Page last modified on May 24, 2012, at 10:35 AM